Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 94 126 74.6

line true false branch
45 0 7 if ($class eq 'DateTime::Format::Alami')
51 0 7 unless (${"${class}::RE_DT";} and ${"${class}::RE_DUR";})
60 0 0 unless $meth =~ /^(odur|o|pdur|p)_/u
66 0 0 if ($is_pdur) { }
79 0 0 $is_p || $is_pdur ? :
0 0 $ENV{'DEBUG'} ? :
0 0 $is_p || $is_pdur ? :
91 0 0 unless ($pat_name_dep_orders{$a} // 9999) <=> ($pat_name_dep_orders{$b} // 9999)
92 0 0 $ENV{'DEBUG'} ? :
119 0 7 unless (${"${class}::MAPS";})
168 2 95 unless (ref $self)
175 95 2 if $opts->{'time_zone'}
179 4 93 unless (defined *{ref($self) . '::_code_match_dt';})
181 0 4 if $@
189 14 98 unless my $match = &{ref($self) . '::_code_match_dt';}($str)
190 67 31 unless $DateTime::Format::Alami::o->{'_uses_time'}
197 31 67 $DateTime::Format::Alami::o->{'_uses_time'} ? :
200 2 96 if $opts->{'format'} eq 'combined' or $opts->{'format'} eq 'epoch'
202 83 15 if $opts->{'returns'} eq 'first'
205 9 88 unless @res
207 1 87 if $opts->{'returns'} eq 'last'
209 3 85 if ($opts->{'returns'} =~ /\A(?:all_cron|earliest|latest)\z/u)
217 80 8 if ($opts->{'format'} eq 'DateTime') { }
1 7 elsif ($opts->{'format'} eq 'epoch') { }
6 1 elsif ($opts->{'format'} eq 'verbatim') { }
225 2 86 if ($opts->{'returns'} =~ /\A(?:all|all_cron)\z/u) { }
84 2 elsif ($opts->{'returns'} =~ /\A(?:first|earliest)\z/u) { }
2 0 elsif ($opts->{'returns'} =~ /\A(?:last|latest)\z/u) { }
252 2 15 unless (ref $self)
260 4 13 unless (defined *{ref($self) . '::_code_match_dur';})
262 0 4 if $@
270 8 24 unless my $match = &{ref($self) . '::_code_match_dur';}($str)
278 2 22 if ($opts->{'format'} eq 'combined' or $opts->{'format'} eq 'seconds')
291 9 15 if $opts->{'returns'} eq 'first'
294 3 14 unless @res
296 1 13 if $opts->{'returns'} eq 'last'
299 3 11 if ($opts->{'returns'} =~ /\A(?:all_sorted|largest|smallest)\z/u)
307 6 8 if ($opts->{'format'} eq 'Duration') { }
1 7 elsif ($opts->{'format'} eq 'seconds') { }
6 1 elsif ($opts->{'format'} eq 'verbatim') { }
315 2 12 if ($opts->{'returns'} =~ /\A(?:all|all_sorted)\z/u) { }
10 2 elsif ($opts->{'returns'} =~ /\A(?:first|smallest)\z/u) { }
2 0 elsif ($opts->{'returns'} =~ /\A(?:last|largest)\z/u) { }
400 5 25 unless ($self->{'_cache_re_parse_dur'})
405 5 25 unless ($self->{'_cache_w_second'})
417 6 34 if ($unit ~~ $self->{'_cache_w_second'}) { }
8 26 elsif ($unit ~~ $self->{'_cache_w_minute'}) { }
9 17 elsif ($unit ~~ $self->{'_cache_w_hour'}) { }
17 0 elsif ($unit ~~ $self->{'_cache_w_day'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($unit ~~ $self->{'_cache_w_week'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($unit ~~ $self->{'_cache_w_month'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($unit ~~ $self->{'_cache_w_year'}) { }
441 6 8 unless $self->{'_dt'}
446 0 0 unless $self->{'_dt'}
480 75 68 if (defined $m->{'o_yearint'})
482 54 21 if (length $m->{'o_yearint'} == 2) { }
490 143 0 if (defined $m->{'o_dayint'})
493 92 51 if (defined $m->{'o_monthint'})
496 57 86 if (defined $m->{'o_monthname'})
515 12 15 if ($m->{'offset'})
544 3 11 if ($m->{'o_ampm'})
545 2 1 if lc $m->{'o_ampm'} eq 'pm' and $hour < 12
546 0 3 if lc $m->{'o_ampm'} eq 'am' and $hour == 12