Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 74 86 86.0

line true false branch
14 1634 1231 if ($ix <= $x) { }
33 11 749 if (@_)
60 406 1 unless ref $self->{'locale'}
81 2 4 if (exists $p{'locale'} and not ref $p{'locale'})
97 3 3 if $p{'to'} eq $f
108 0 16 if $year < 0
109 8 8 if ($year % 4 != 3 or $year % 100 == 27 and $year % 400 != 127) { }
140 4 4 if ($self->{'day'} == 29) { }
150 1 9 if ($self->{'day'} == 29) { }
160 4 7 if ($self->{'day'} == 29) { }
163 2 2 if $n eq ucfirst $n
173 5 4 if ($self->{'day'} == 29) { }
198 190 3 unless defined $sep
209 1 1 unless defined $sep
218 1 1 unless defined $sep
261 44 1 $formats{$1} ? :
262 40 2 unless wantarray
289 14 270 if $self->is_imaginary
292 6 264 if $year < 0
295 158 112 if $month > 6
296 40 230 if $month > 11
311 34 7 if (defined $rd_days) { }
330 236 1 if $p{'object'}->can('set_time_zone')
358 149 193 if ($d < 141) { }
1 192 elsif ($d == 141) { }
190 2 elsif ($d < 366) { }
374 138 204 if ($m > 13)
380 3 339 if ($y <= 0)
408 0 1 if $reversed
418 0 1 if $reversed
420 0 1 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($date2, 'DateTime::Duration')) { }
440 0 8 if $self->{'year'} < 0
442 5 3 if $deltas{'days'}
443 3 5 if $deltas{'months'}
445 3 5 if ($self->{'day'} < 1 or $self->{'day'} > 29)
449 3 5 if ($self->{'month'} < 1 or $self->{'month'} > 13)
454 0 8 if $self->{'year'} <= 0
478 0 104 $_[2] ? :
483 104 0 ref $_[0] ? :
485 0 104 unless defined $dt2
487 0 104 if not ref $dt2 and $dt2 == 9**9**9
488 0 104 if not ref $dt2 and $dt2 == -9**9**9
490 0 104 unless $dt2->isa('DateTime::Calendar::Pataphysical')