Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 46 63.0

line true false branch
77 0 3 $self->is_gregorian_leap_year($year) ? :
1 3 $month <= 2 ? :
108 1 0 unless $cent == 4 or $yindex == 4
111 0 1 $self->is_gregorian_leap_year($year) ? :
0 1 $wjd < $self->gregorian_to_julian($year, 3, 1) ? :
139 5 0 if (defined $month_name and not $month_name =~ /^\d+$/) { }
148 4 22 if uc $months->[$index] eq uc $month_name
152 0 0 if $caller[3] eq '(eval)'
154 0 0 defined $month_name ? :
170 2 1 if (defined $month) { }
190 0 3 if $caller[3] eq '(eval)'
192 1 0 defined $year ? :
1 2 unless defined $year and $year =~ /^\d+$/ and $year > 0
209 1 7 if (defined $month and not $month =~ /^[-+]?\d+$/)
214 0 7 if $caller[3] eq '(eval)'
216 3 0 defined $month ? :
3 4 unless defined $month and $month =~ /^\+?\d+$/ and $month >= 1 and $month <= 12
234 0 8 if $caller[3] eq '(eval)'
242 2 0 defined $month_name ? :
2 6 unless defined $month_name and not $month_name =~ /^[-+]?\d+$/ and grep /$month_name/i, @{$months;}[1 .. $#$months]
255 0 2 if $caller[3] eq '(eval)'
257 1 0 defined $day ? :
1 1 unless defined $day and $day =~ /^\d+$/ and $day >= 1 and $day <= 31