Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 47 66 71.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
114 361 7 0 not $month and 4 == $day
132 0 0 731 $yd > 0 and $yd <= 366
180 15 3 30 defined $cond[$inx] and '' ne $cond[$inx]
186 3 7 14 defined $cond[1] and not $date->__fmt_shire_month
189 15 6 3 defined $cond[2] and not __day_of_week($date->__fmt_shire_month, $date->__fmt_shire_day)
367 2 1 1 defined $ctx->{'pad'} and '' eq $ctx->{'pad'}
370 0 0 3 1 < length $conv and $code = $spec{substr $conv, 1}
379 325 0 6 delete $ctx->{'change_case'} and $code = $case_change{$conv}
389 217 4 110 $ctx->{'wid'} and '' ne $ctx->{'pad'}
221 34 76 $ctx->{'wid'} and '' ne $ctx->{'pad'} and ($need = $ctx->{'wid'} - length($rslt)) > 0
414 2 0 1 defined $offset and $offset =~ / \A [+-]? [0-9]+ \z /msx
1023 0 0 1201 defined $_ && / \A [-+]? [0-9]+ \z /msx
1031 0 0 63 ref $_ && eval { do { $_->can('isa') } }
1034 0 0 286 defined $_ && !ref($_)
1038 480 0 10713 defined $_ && / \A [0-9]+ \z /msx

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
490 6 2 $lookup->{$holiday} || 0
531 17 5 $month or 0
549 12 2 $lookup->{$month} || 0
880 401 400 $day ||= 1
900 201 0 $hash{'day'} ||= 1
902 252 753 $hash{$_} ||= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
901 75 0 126 $hash{'month'} ||= $hash{'day'} < 7 ? 0 : 1
915 63 0 0 ref $obj || $obj
918 62 1 0 $checked{$pkg} ||= do { unless (ref $obj) { (my $fn = $pkg) =~ s[ :: ][/]gmsx; $fn .= '.pm'; require $fn unless $INC{$fn}; } ; my @missing; foreach my $method ('__fmt_shire_year', '__fmt_shire_month', '__fmt_shire_day', '__fmt_shire_hour', '__fmt_shire_minute', '__fmt_shire_second', '__fmt_shire_day_of_week', '__fmt_shire_nanosecond', '__fmt_shire_epoch', '__fmt_shire_zone_offset', '__fmt_shire_zone_name', '__fmt_shire_accented', '__fmt_shire_traditional') { push @missing, $method unless $pkg->can($method); } ; \@missing }