Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 56 64.2

line true false branch
65 9 2 if $self->has_year
66 9 2 if $self->has_month
67 9 2 if $self->has_day
69 2 9 unless ($self->has_year and $self->has_month and $self->has_day)
133 2 5 $self->is_gregorian_leap_year($gregorian_year) ? :
137 5 2 if ($self->month == 1) { }
141 2 0 $self->is_gregorian_leap_year($gregorian_year) ? :
147 0 2 if ($self->month >= 8)
174 0 6 if ($yday < $self->saka_start)
181 4 2 if ($yday < $chaitra) { }
187 0 2 if ($mday < 155) { }
260 0 2 if $caller[3] eq '(eval)'
262 0 2 unless $no_of_days =~ /^\-?\d+$/
290 0 1 if $caller[3] eq '(eval)'
292 0 1 unless $no_of_days =~ /^\d+$/
314 0 1 if $caller[3] eq '(eval)'
316 0 1 unless $no_of_months =~ /^\d+$/
323 0 1 if ($self->month + $no_of_months > 12)
347 0 1 if $caller[3] eq '(eval)'
349 0 1 unless $no_of_months =~ /^\d+$/
356 0 1 if ($self->month - $no_of_months < 1)
380 0 1 if $caller[3] eq '(eval)'
382 0 1 unless $no_of_years =~ /^\d+$/
404 0 1 if $caller[3] eq '(eval)'
406 0 1 unless $no_of_years =~ /^\d+$/
427 7 1 if ($month == 1) { }
428 0 7 $self->is_gregorian_leap_year($year) ? :
432 0 1 if ($month == 12) { }