Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 24 58.3

line true false branch
192 19 35 if ($flag)
193 0 19 unless (defined $$format_chars{$c})
203 19 35 if ($c eq '%')
220 0 3 unless defined $data and defined $format
230 17 2 if (defined(my $parser = $$format_chars{$capture_order[$i]}{'parser'})) { }
241 12 3 if defined $data{$key}
252 3 0 if defined $opts{'hour24'}
254 0 0 if (defined $opts{'hour12'} and defined $opts{'hour12_ind'})
255 0 0 if (lc $opts{'hour12_ind'} eq 'pm') { }
256 0 0 if $opts{'hour12'} == 12
269 2 1 if defined $opts{'year4'}
270 0 1 if defined $opts{'year2'}