Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 852 0.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1000 0 0 /^$now\s*$wkabb$/i and $tmp = "Now"
0 0 /^$today\s*$wkabb$/i and $tmp = "Today"
1252 0 0 /^$now$/i and $tmp = "Now"
0 0 /^$today$/i and $tmp = "Today"

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
311 0 0 0 $Curr{'InitFilesRead'} < 1 and not $Cnf{'IgnoreGlobalCnf'}
324 0 0 0 $Cnf{'PersonalCnf'} and $Cnf{'PersonalCnfPath'}
708 0 0 0 $Lang{$L}{'Exact'} and s/$Lang{$L}{'Exact'}//
0 0 0 $Lang{$L}{'Approx'} and s/$Lang{$L}{'Approx'}//
0 0 0 $Lang{$L}{'Business'} and s/$Lang{$L}{'Business'}//
843 0 0 0 not /$falsefrom/ and s/$from/$to/
851 0 0 0 s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1
0 0 0 s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1
0 0 0 s/()$DD$mnsec$zone()/ /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1
0 0 0 s/()$DD$mnsec$zone2?/ /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1
900 0 0 0 $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i
0 0 0 $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone2?$/i
0 0 0 $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:T[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i
0 0 0 $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:T[0-9-]+)?)$zone2?$/i
0 0 0 $iso and /^([0-9-]+)T$zone?$/i
0 0 0 $iso and /^([0-9-]+)T$zone2?$/i
936 0 0 0 $h == 24 and !defined($mn) || $mn == 0
0 0 0 $h == 24 and !defined($mn) || $mn == 0 and !defined($s) || $s == 0
941 0 0 0 $time and defined $h
985 0 0 0 $Curr{'InCalc'} and $delta
1390 0 0 0 defined $ref and $ref eq "ARRAY"
1429 0 0 0 defined $mode and $mode >= 0
0 0 0 defined $mode and $mode >= 0 and $mode <= 3
1555 0 0 0 $Lang{$Cnf{'Language'}}{'Exact'} and s/$Lang{$Cnf{'Language'}}{'Exact'}//
0 0 0 $Lang{$Cnf{'Language'}}{'Approx'} and s/$Lang{$Cnf{'Language'}}{'Approx'}//
0 0 0 $Lang{$Cnf{'Language'}}{'Business'} and s/$Lang{$Cnf{'Language'}}{'Business'}//
1680 0 0 0 defined $ref and $ref eq "ARRAY"
1842 0 0 0 Date_Cmp($date, $date1) >= 0 and Date_Cmp($date, $date2) <= 0
1888 0 0 0 defined $dec and $dec > 0
2237 0 0 0 $date0 and $date1
2298 0 0 0 $m eq 0 and $w eq 0
2442 0 0 0 not $dateb and $y != 1
2493 0 0 0 not $dateb and $y != 1
2539 0 0 0 not $dateb and $y != 1
2600 0 0 0 not $dateb and $y != 0 || $m != 1
2623 0 0 0 $m == 0 and $w == 0
2627 0 0 0 $y == 0 and $m == 0
0 0 0 $y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0
2637 0 0 0 not $dateb and $y != 1
2672 0 0 0 $y != 0 and $m != 0
0 0 0 $y != 0 and $m != 0 and $w != 1
0 0 0 not $dateb and ($y != 0 and $m != 0 and $w != 1)
2694 0 0 0 $tmp >= $Cnf{'FirstDay'} and $d < $Cnf{'FirstDay'}
0 0 0 $tmp >= $Cnf{'FirstDay'} and $d > $tmp
0 0 0 $tmp < $d and $d < $Cnf{'FirstDay'}
2709 0 0 0 $y != 0 and $m != 1
0 0 0 not $dateb and ($y != 0 and $m != 1)
2746 0 0 0 $y == 0 and $m == 0
0 0 0 $y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0
0 0 0 $y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0 and $d == 1
0 0 0 $#recur0 == 3 and ($y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0 and $d == 1)
0 0 0 $y == 0 and $m == 0
0 0 0 $y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0
0 0 0 $y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0 and $d == 0
0 0 0 $y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0 and $d == 0 and $h == 1
0 0 0 $#recur0 == 4 and ($y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0 and $d == 0 and $h == 1)
0 0 0 $y == 0 and $m == 0
0 0 0 $y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0
0 0 0 $y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0 and $d == 0
0 0 0 $y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0 and $d == 0 and $h == 0
0 0 0 $y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0 and $d == 0 and $h == 0 and $mn == 1
0 0 0 $#recur0 == 5 and ($y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0 and $d == 0 and $h == 0 and $mn == 1)
2828 0 0 0 $tmp eq "D" and $Cnf{'TomorrowFirst'}
2883 0 0 0 defined $hr and $hr eq 0
2884 0 0 0 defined $min and $min eq 0
2885 0 0 0 defined $sec and $sec eq 0
2912 0 0 0 $adjust and Date_Cmp($date, $curr) > 0
2948 0 0 0 defined $hr and $hr eq 0
2949 0 0 0 defined $min and $min eq 0
2950 0 0 0 defined $sec and $sec eq 0
2977 0 0 0 $adjust and Date_Cmp($date, $curr) < 0
3260 0 0 0 $m > 2 and Date_LeapYear($y)
3363 0 0 0 $from =~ /^[+-]\d{4}$/ and $to =~ /^[+-]\d{4}$/
3385 0 0 0 $h1 == $h2 and $m1 < $m2
3446 0 0 0 $^O ne "cygwin" and $^X =~ /perl\.exe$/i
3556 0 0 0 defined $Zone{'n2o'}{lc $std} and defined $Zone{'n2o'}{lc $dst}
3854 0 0 0 $Cnf{'IntCharSet'} and $#ele > 0
4090 0 0 0 $array and $hash
4108 0 0 0 $delta =~ /^([+-]?0+:){6}[+-]?0+$/ and $Cnf{'DeltaSigns'}
4192 0 0 0 $y == 0 and $mon == 0
4193 0 0 0 $w == 0 and $d == 0
0 0 0 $w == 0 and $d == 0 and $h == 0
0 0 0 $w == 0 and $d == 0 and $h == 0 and $m == 0
0 0 0 $w == 0 and $d == 0 and $h == 0 and $m == 0 and $s == 0
4194 0 0 0 $sign1 eq $sign2 and not $Cnf{'DeltaSigns'}
4211 0 0 0 $exact and $#delta != 6
4230 0 0 0 defined $h and $h =~ /$t/
4597 0 0 0 Date_Cmp($date, $date0) >= 0 and Date_Cmp($date, $date1) < 0
0 0 0 Date_Cmp($date, $date0) >= 0 and Date_Cmp($date, $date1) < 0 and _Date_Split($date)
4768 0 0 0 $mode == 2 || $mode == 3 and $d1 != $d2
4873 0 0 0 $h == $h2 and $mn > $m2
0 0 0 $h == $h1 and $mn < $m1
0 0 0 $h == $h2 and $mn == $m2
5191 0 0 0 $tmp and $tmp eq $date0
5213 0 0 0 pop @recur == 0 and pop @recur == 0
0 0 0 pop @recur == 0 and pop @recur == 0 and pop @recur == 0
5235 0 0 0 $tmp and $tmp eq $date1
5300 0 0 0 $section =~ /holiday/i and $Cnf{'EraseHolidays'}
5365 0 0 0 $tmp2 eq "AM" and $$h == 12
5366 0 0 0 $tmp2 eq "PM" and $$h != 12
5407 0 0 0 defined $$y and not defined $$m
0 0 0 defined $$y and not defined $$m and not defined $$d
5412 0 0 0 $$y eq "" and $$m eq ""
0 0 0 $$y eq "" and $$m eq "" and $$d eq ""
5446 0 0 0 defined $y and $y
5491 0 0 0 defined $y and $y
7240 0 0 0 defined $N && $N =~ /^\s*[-+]?\d+\s*$/
0 0 0 defined $low and $N < $low
0 0 0 defined $high and $N > $high
7336 0 0 0 defined $file and $file
7337 0 0 0 $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /f/ and not -f $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /d/ and not -d $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /l/ and not -l $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /p/ and not -p $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /b/ and not -b $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /c/ and not -c $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /u/ and not -u $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /g/ and not -g $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /k/ and not -k $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /T/ and not -T $file
0 0 0 $mode =~ /B/ and not -B $file

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
851 0 0 ($iso = $tmp) || 1
0 0 ($iso = $tmp) || 1
0 0 ($iso = $tmp) || 1
0 0 ($iso = $tmp) || 1
0 0 s/$apachetime$zone()/$1 /i or s/$apachetime$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/()$DD$mnsec$zone()/ /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/()$DD$mnsec$zone2?/ /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/(^|$at\s*|\s+)$D()()\s*$ampmexp$zone()/ /i or s/(^|$at\s*|\s+)$D()()\s*$ampmexp$zone2?/ /i or 0
900 0 0 $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone2?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:T[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:T[0-9-]+)?)$zone2?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+)T$zone?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+)T$zone2?$/i or 0
921 0 0 /^$D4\s*$DD\s*$DD\s*t?$DD(?:$DD(?:$DD(\d*))?)?$/i or /^$DD\s+$DD\s*$DD\s*t?$DD(?:$DD(?:$DD(\d*))?)?$/i or 0
1793 0 0 $Zone{'n2o'}{lc $f{'Z'}} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
358 0 0 0 $L eq "Dutch" or $L eq "Nederlands"
701 0 0 0 not $Curr{'InitDone'} or $Cnf{'UpdateCurrTZ'}
828 0 0 0 length $z != 1 or length $aft == 0
846 0 0 0 /$D$mnsec/i or /$ampmexp/i
849 0 0 0 /$mnsec$zone2?\s*$/i or /$mnsec$zone\s*$/i
851 0 0 0 s/$apachetime$zone()/$1 /i or s/$apachetime$zone2?/$1 /i
0 0 0 s/$apachetime$zone()/$1 /i or s/$apachetime$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i
0 0 0 s/$apachetime$zone()/$1 /i or s/$apachetime$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i
0 0 0 s/$apachetime$zone()/$1 /i or s/$apachetime$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i
0 0 0 s/$apachetime$zone()/$1 /i or s/$apachetime$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i
0 0 0 s/$apachetime$zone()/$1 /i or s/$apachetime$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1
0 0 0 s/$apachetime$zone()/$1 /i or s/$apachetime$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1
0 0 0 s/$apachetime$zone()/$1 /i or s/$apachetime$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/()$DD$mnsec$zone()/ /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1
0 0 0 s/$apachetime$zone()/$1 /i or s/$apachetime$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/()$DD$mnsec$zone()/ /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/()$DD$mnsec$zone2?/ /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1
0 0 0 s/$apachetime$zone()/$1 /i or s/$apachetime$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/()$DD$mnsec$zone()/ /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/()$DD$mnsec$zone2?/ /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/(^|$at\s*|\s+)$D()()\s*$ampmexp$zone()/ /i
0 0 0 s/$apachetime$zone()/$1 /i or s/$apachetime$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i or s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i or s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/()$DD$mnsec$zone()/ /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/()$DD$mnsec$zone2?/ /i and ($iso = $tmp) || 1 or s/(^|$at\s*|\s+)$D()()\s*$ampmexp$zone()/ /i or s/(^|$at\s*|\s+)$D()()\s*$ampmexp$zone2?/ /i
900 0 0 0 $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone2?$/i
0 0 0 $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone2?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:T[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i
0 0 0 $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone2?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:T[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:T[0-9-]+)?)$zone2?$/i
0 0 0 $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone2?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:T[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:T[0-9-]+)?)$zone2?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+)T$zone?$/i
0 0 0 $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone2?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:T[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+(?:T[0-9-]+)?)$zone2?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+)T$zone?$/i or $iso and /^([0-9-]+)T$zone2?$/i
921 0 0 0 /^$D4\s*$DD\s*$DD\s*t?$DD(?:$DD(?:$DD(\d*))?)?$/i or /^$DD\s+$DD\s*$DD\s*t?$DD(?:$DD(?:$DD(\d*))?)?$/i
0 0 0 /^$D4(?:\s*$DD(?:\s*$DD)?)?$/ or /^$DD(?:\s+$DD(?:\s*$DD)?)?$/
0 0 0 /^$D4\s*(\d{3})$/ or /^$DD\s*(\d{3})$/
936 0 0 0 !defined($mn) || $mn == 0
0 0 0 !defined($s) || $s == 0
996 0 0 0 /$wom/i or /$future/i
0 0 0 /$wom/i or /$future/i or /$later/i
0 0 0 /$wom/i or /$future/i or /$later/i or /$past/i
0 0 0 /$wom/i or /$future/i or /$later/i or /$past/i or /$next/i
0 0 0 /$wom/i or /$future/i or /$later/i or /$past/i or /$next/i or /$prev/i
0 0 0 /$wom/i or /$future/i or /$later/i or /$past/i or /$next/i or /$prev/i or /^$week$/i
0 0 0 /$wom/i or /$future/i or /$later/i or /$past/i or /$next/i or /$prev/i or /^$week$/i or /$wkabb/i
1000 0 0 0 /^$future\s*(\d+)$day$/i or /^(\d+)$day$later$/i
0 0 0 /^$future\s*(\d+)$wkabb$/i or /^(\d+)$wkabb$later$/i
0 0 0 /^$future\s*(\d+)$mabb$/i or /^(\d+)$mabb$later$/i
0 0 0 /^$week$future\s*(\d+)$wkabb$/i or /^$week\s*(\d+)$wkabb$later$/i
0 0 0 /^$future\s*(\d+)$wkabb$on$week$/i or /^(\d+)$wkabb$later$on$week$/i
0 0 0 /^$now\s*$wkabb$/i and $tmp = "Now" or /^$today\s*$wkabb$/i and $tmp = "Today"
1027 0 0 0 not defined $y or length $y < 4
1212 0 0 0 /^$week$wkabb\s*$D(?:$of?\s*$YY)?$/i or /^$week\s*$D$wkabb(?:$of?\s*$YY)?$/i
1252 0 0 0 /^$now$/i and $tmp = "Now" or /^$today$/i and $tmp = "Today"
1721 0 0 0 $f{'W'} >= 52 or $f{'U'} >= 52
1792 0 0 0 $Cnf{'ConvTZ'} eq 'IGNORE' || $Cnf{'ConvTZ'} eq ''
2133 0 0 0 /^$D?$day(?:$of$mmm?$Y)?$/i or /^$D?$day(?:$of$mmm())?$/i
0 0 0 /^$D$wkexp$of$month(?:$of?$Y)?$/ or /^($lastexp)$wkexp$of$month(?:$of?$Y)?$/
0 0 0 /^$D?$wkexp(?:$of$mmm?$Y)?$/i or /^$D?$wkexp(?:$of$mmm())?$/i
2292 0 0 0 length $y != 4 or not _IsInt($y)
2309 0 0 0 not _IsInt($d, -366, 366) or $d == 0
2343 0 0 0 not _IsInt($d, -31, 31) or $d == 0
2370 0 0 0 not _IsInt($w, -53, 53) or $w == 0
2456 0 0 0 not _IsInt($d, -31, 31) or $d == 0
2546 0 0 0 $w == 0 or not _IsInt($w, -53, 53)
2600 0 0 0 $y != 0 || $m != 1
2642 0 0 0 not _IsInt($d, -366, 366) or $d == 0
2694 0 0 0 $tmp >= $Cnf{'FirstDay'} and $d < $Cnf{'FirstDay'} or $tmp >= $Cnf{'FirstDay'} and $d > $tmp
0 0 0 $tmp >= $Cnf{'FirstDay'} and $d < $Cnf{'FirstDay'} or $tmp >= $Cnf{'FirstDay'} and $d > $tmp or $tmp < $d and $d < $Cnf{'FirstDay'}
2717 0 0 0 $d == 0 or not _IsInt($d, -31, 31)
2746 0 0 0 $#recur0 == 3 and ($y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0 and $d == 1) or $#recur0 == 4 and ($y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0 and $d == 0 and $h == 1)
0 0 0 $#recur0 == 3 and ($y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0 and $d == 1) or $#recur0 == 4 and ($y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0 and $d == 0 and $h == 1) or $#recur0 == 5 and ($y == 0 and $m == 0 and $w == 0 and $d == 0 and $h == 0 and $mn == 1)
2816 0 0 0 not $work or Date_IsWorkDay($date, 0)
2825 0 0 0 $f =~ /^CW(N|P|D)$/ or $f =~ /^(N|P|D)W(D)$/
2828 0 0 0 $tmp eq "N" or $tmp eq "D" and $Cnf{'TomorrowFirst'}
2864 0 0 0 Date_Cmp($date, $date0) < 0 or Date_Cmp($date, $date1) > 0
2898 0 0 0 $dow < 1 or $dow > 7
2963 0 0 0 $dow < 1 or $dow > 7
3150 0 0 0 $nocheck or _Date_Split($date)
3210 0 0 0 not defined $tz or $tz eq ""
3330 0 0 0 not defined $from or $from eq ""
3332 0 0 0 not defined $to or $to eq ""
3334 0 0 0 $Cnf{'ConvTZ'} eq "IGNORE" or not $Cnf{'ConvTZ'}
3341 0 0 0 not defined $from or $from eq ""
3346 0 0 0 not defined $to or $to eq ""
3350 0 0 0 not defined $to or $to eq ""
3385 0 0 0 $h1 < $h2 or $h1 == $h2 and $m1 < $m2
3446 0 0 0 $^O ne "cygwin" and $^X =~ /perl\.exe$/i or $OS eq "Windows"
0 0 0 $^O ne "cygwin" and $^X =~ /perl\.exe$/i or $OS eq "Windows" or $OS eq "Netware"
0 0 0 $^O ne "cygwin" and $^X =~ /perl\.exe$/i or $OS eq "Windows" or $OS eq "Netware" or $OS eq "VMS"
3587 0 0 0 $dow < $Cnf{'WorkWeekBeg'} or $dow > $Cnf{'WorkWeekEnd'}
0 0 0 $dow < $Cnf{'WorkWeekBeg'} or $dow > $Cnf{'WorkWeekEnd'} or "${h}:$m" lt $Cnf{'WorkDayBeg'}
0 0 0 $dow < $Cnf{'WorkWeekBeg'} or $dow > $Cnf{'WorkWeekEnd'} or "${h}:$m" lt $Cnf{'WorkDayBeg'} or "${h}:$m" ge $Cnf{'WorkDayEnd'}
3718 0 0 0 not defined $n or $n eq ""
4047 0 0 0 $keys or $key0
0 0 0 $keys or $key0 or $key1
0 0 0 $keys or $key0 or $key1 or $val0
0 0 0 $keys or $key0 or $key1 or $val0 or $val1
4071 0 0 0 $key0 or $key1
0 0 0 $key0 or $key1 or $val0
0 0 0 $key0 or $key1 or $val0 or $val1
4076 0 0 0 $key1 or $val1
4077 0 0 0 $key0 or $key1
4086 0 0 0 $pre or $post
4115 0 0 0 $mode == 2 or $mode == 3
4158 0 0 0 $mode == 3 or $mode == 2
4178 0 0 0 $mode == 3 or $mode == 2
4368 0 0 0 not defined $date or $date eq ""
4457 0 0 0 $w == 0 or not _IsInt($w, -5, 5)
4462 0 0 0 $d == 0 or not _IsInt($d, -7, 7)
4657 0 0 0 $mode == 2 or $mode == 3
4720 0 0 0 $mode == 2 or $mode == 3
4768 0 0 0 $mode == 2 || $mode == 3
4817 0 0 0 $mode == 2 or $mode == 3
4849 0 0 0 $mode == 0 or $mode == 1
4859 0 0 0 $mode == 2 or $mode == 3
4867 0 0 0 $mode == 2 or $mode == 3
4873 0 0 0 $h > $h2 or $h == $h2 and $mn > $m2
0 0 0 $h < $h1 or $h == $h1 and $mn < $m1
4910 0 0 0 $mode == 2 or $mode == 3
4956 0 0 0 $y < 0 or $y > 9999
5108 0 0 0 Date_Cmp($d1, $date0) <= 0 or Date_Cmp($d0, $date1) >= 0
5296 0 0 0 $_ eq "" or /^\#/
5362 0 0 0 $tmp2 eq "AM" or $tmp2 eq "PM"
5364 0 0 0 $$h < 1 or $$h > 12
5492 0 0 0 not defined $n or $n eq ""
5493 0 0 0 $n < 0 or $n > 53
5498 0 0 0 $dow < 1 or $dow > 7
7240 0 0 0 not defined $N && $N =~ /^\s*[-+]?\d+\s*$/ or defined $low and $N < $low
0 0 0 not defined $N && $N =~ /^\s*[-+]?\d+\s*$/ or defined $low and $N < $low or defined $high and $N > $high
7283 0 0 0 $OS eq "Windows" or $OS eq "Mac"
0 0 0 $OS eq "Windows" or $OS eq "Mac" or $OS eq "Netware"
0 0 0 $OS eq "Windows" or $OS eq "Mac" or $OS eq "Netware" or $OS eq "MPE"
7337 0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file or $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file or $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file or $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /f/ and not -f $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file or $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /f/ and not -f $file or $mode =~ /d/ and not -d $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file or $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /f/ and not -f $file or $mode =~ /d/ and not -d $file or $mode =~ /l/ and not -l $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file or $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /f/ and not -f $file or $mode =~ /d/ and not -d $file or $mode =~ /l/ and not -l $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file or $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /f/ and not -f $file or $mode =~ /d/ and not -d $file or $mode =~ /l/ and not -l $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /p/ and not -p $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file or $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /f/ and not -f $file or $mode =~ /d/ and not -d $file or $mode =~ /l/ and not -l $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /p/ and not -p $file or $mode =~ /b/ and not -b $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file or $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /f/ and not -f $file or $mode =~ /d/ and not -d $file or $mode =~ /l/ and not -l $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /p/ and not -p $file or $mode =~ /b/ and not -b $file or $mode =~ /c/ and not -c $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file or $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /f/ and not -f $file or $mode =~ /d/ and not -d $file or $mode =~ /l/ and not -l $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /p/ and not -p $file or $mode =~ /b/ and not -b $file or $mode =~ /c/ and not -c $file or $mode =~ /u/ and not -u $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file or $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /f/ and not -f $file or $mode =~ /d/ and not -d $file or $mode =~ /l/ and not -l $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /p/ and not -p $file or $mode =~ /b/ and not -b $file or $mode =~ /c/ and not -c $file or $mode =~ /u/ and not -u $file or $mode =~ /g/ and not -g $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file or $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /f/ and not -f $file or $mode =~ /d/ and not -d $file or $mode =~ /l/ and not -l $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /p/ and not -p $file or $mode =~ /b/ and not -b $file or $mode =~ /c/ and not -c $file or $mode =~ /u/ and not -u $file or $mode =~ /g/ and not -g $file or $mode =~ /k/ and not -k $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file or $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /f/ and not -f $file or $mode =~ /d/ and not -d $file or $mode =~ /l/ and not -l $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /p/ and not -p $file or $mode =~ /b/ and not -b $file or $mode =~ /c/ and not -c $file or $mode =~ /u/ and not -u $file or $mode =~ /g/ and not -g $file or $mode =~ /k/ and not -k $file or $mode =~ /T/ and not -T $file
0 0 0 not -e $file or $mode =~ /r/ and not -r $file or $mode =~ /w/ and not -w $file or $mode =~ /x/ and not -x $file or $mode =~ /R/ and not -R $file or $mode =~ /W/ and not -W $file or $mode =~ /X/ and not -X $file or $mode =~ /o/ and not -O $file or $mode =~ /O/ and not -o $file or $mode =~ /z/ and not -z $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /f/ and not -f $file or $mode =~ /d/ and not -d $file or $mode =~ /l/ and not -l $file or $mode =~ /s/ and not -s $file or $mode =~ /p/ and not -p $file or $mode =~ /b/ and not -b $file or $mode =~ /c/ and not -c $file or $mode =~ /u/ and not -u $file or $mode =~ /g/ and not -g $file or $mode =~ /k/ and not -k $file or $mode =~ /T/ and not -T $file or $mode =~ /B/ and not -B $file
7412 0 0 0 not defined $mode or _CheckFilePath($_, $mode)