Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 30 45 66.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
53 11 2 1 $day == 1 and $month == 1
13 0 0 $day == 5 and $month == 3
11 1 1 $day == 1 and $month == 5
11 0 1 $day == 8 and $month == 5
11 0 0 $day == 29 and $month == 6
10 0 1 $day == 14 and $month == 7
9 0 1 $day == 15 and $month == 8
8 0 1 $day == 1 and $month == 11
6 1 1 $day == 11 and $month == 11
6 0 1 $day == 25 and $month == 12
70 5 0 1 $day == $easter_day and $month == $easter_month
4 0 1 $day == $lundipaques_day and $month == $lundipaques_month
4 0 0 $day == $vendredisaint_day and $month == $vendredisaint_month
3 0 1 $day == $ascension_day and $month == $ascension_month
2 0 1 $day == $pentecost_day and $month == $pentecost_month