Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 19 48 39.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
62 0 0 3 $self->has_year and $self->has_month
0 0 3 $self->has_year and $self->has_month and $self->has_day
289 50 0 2 $month == 12 and not $self->is_leap_year($year)
294 35 0 15 $month == 8 and not $self->days_in_year($year) % 10 == 5
299 22 0 13 $month == 9 and not $self->days_in_year($year) % 10 == 3
311 0 3 0 defined $month and not $month =~ /^[-+]?\d+$/
318 0 0 3 defined $month and $month =~ /^\+?\d+$/
0 0 3 defined $month and $month =~ /^\+?\d+$/ and $month >= 1
0 0 3 defined $month and $month =~ /^\+?\d+$/ and $month >= 1 and $self->is_leap_year($year) && $month <= 13 || $month <= 12
348 0 0 0 defined $month_name and not $month_name =~ /^[-+]?\d+$/
0 0 0 defined $month_name and not $month_name =~ /^[-+]?\d+$/ and grep /$month_name/i, @{$months;}[1 .. $#$months]

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
284 0 0 63 $month == 2 or $month == 4
0 0 63 $month == 2 or $month == 4 or $month == 6
0 11 52 $month == 2 or $month == 4 or $month == 6 or $month == 10
11 0 52 $month == 2 or $month == 4 or $month == 6 or $month == 10 or $month == 13
318 0 3 0 $self->is_leap_year($year) && $month <= 13 || $month <= 12