Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 68 70 97.1

line true false branch
57 6 48 if (%date) { }
60 4 2 unless exists $date{'seconds'}
61 4 2 unless exists $date{'minutes'}
62 4 2 unless exists $date{'hour'}
63 4 2 unless exists $date{'year'}
64 3 3 unless exists $date{'day_of_month'}
67 4 2 if (exists $date{'month'}) { }
68 2 2 unless $date{'month'} =~ /^\d+$/ and $date{'month'} >= 1
82 1 3 if $@
128 1 19 if (exists $_date{'years'} and $_date{'years'})
131 1 19 if (exists $_date{'leapyears'} and $_date{'leapyears'})
134 1 19 if (exists $_date{'months'} and $_date{'months'})
137 1 19 if (exists $_date{'weeks'} and $_date{'weeks'})
140 2 18 if (exists $_date{'days'} and $_date{'days'})
143 10 10 if (exists $_date{'hours'} and $_date{'hours'})
146 3 17 if (exists $_date{'minutes'} and $_date{'minutes'})
149 2 18 if (exists $_date{'seconds'} and $_date{'seconds'})
195 90 90 if (exists $_parser_table{$token}) { }
220 3 1 unless defined $formatter and ref $formatter eq 'CODE'
299 1 8 if $$self{'hourType'} == 24
300 6 2 unless $$self{'am_or_pm'}
316 29 4 if ($$self{'hourType'} == 12)
318 2 27 if ($hours == 12) { }
4 23 elsif ($hours == 0) { }
21 2 elsif ($hours < 12) { }
2 0 elsif ($hours > 12) { }
357 0 1 if $gmt_offset > $$self{'gmt_offset_hours'}
368 2 4 if ($$self{'abbreviateMonths'} == 1)
398 2 5 if ($$self{'abbreviateDays'} == 1) { }
455 17 2 if $$self{'formatter'}
474 2 8 unless blessed $right and $right->isa('Date::Formatter')
487 2 3 unless blessed $right and $right->isa('Date::Formatter')
501 6 13 unless blessed $right and $right->isa('Date::Formatter')
508 6 2 $left->compare($right) == 0 ? :
513 3 1 $left->equal($right) ? :