Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 66 104 63.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
61 1 80 0 $init and UNIVERSAL::isa($init, 'Date::EzDate')
65 1 80 0 defined $init and not $init =~ /\S/s
73 81 0 0 $class->can('preprocess_time_string') and defined $init
225 0 0 9 defined $start and defined $end
314 0 0 2 defined $start and defined $end
574 166 0 1628 $dst_adjust and defined $dst_before
166 1628 0 $dst_adjust and defined $dst_before and $dst_before != $$self{'dst'}
705 12 24 0 $key eq 'dayofmonth' and $val > daysinmonth($$self{'monthnum'}, $$self{'year'})
1000 15 9536 100 not ref $key and $key =~ /[\{\%]/
9551 0 100 not ref $key and $key =~ /[\{\%]/ and not $key =~ /$Date::EzDate::Tie::pcode/o
1223 21 61 0 $year % 4 == 0 and $year % 100 || $year % 400 == 0
1419 25 0 34 length $val and not defined $hour
1425 0 60 0 defined $val and length $val
1580 55 0 2 not $opts{'skipjustdigits'} and $str =~ /^\d+$/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1653 63 0 $length ||= 2

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
703 1 2 1663 $key eq 'clocktime' or $key =~ /^mil(itary)?time$/
21 2 1637 $key eq 'ampm' or $key eq 'ampmlc'
23 2 1635 $key eq 'ampm' or $key eq 'ampmlc' or $key eq 'ampmuc'
2 21 9 $key eq 'monthshort' or $key eq 'monthlong'
3 2 4 $key eq 'weekdayshort' or $key eq 'weekdaylong'
5 0 4 $key eq 'weekdayshort' or $key eq 'weekdaylong' or $key eq 'dayofweekshort'
2 0 4 $key eq 'weekdayshort' or $key eq 'weekdaylong' or $key eq 'dayofweekshort' or $key eq 'dayofweeklong'
0 0 1 $key eq 'default' or $key eq 'full'
0 0 1 $key eq 'default' or $key eq 'full' or $key eq 'dayandtime'
0 1 0 $key eq 'default' or $key eq 'full' or $key eq 'dayandtime' or $key eq 'dmy'
796 5 20 0 $val eq 'am' or $val eq 'pm'
1009 114 320 435 $el =~ s/\{([^\}]+)\}/$1/ or $el =~ /$Date::EzDate::Tie::pcode/o
1141 34 40 255 $key eq 'ampm' or $key eq 'ampmlc'
1152 0 4 191 $$self{'hour'} == 0 or $$self{'hour'} == 12
1164 22 0 60 $key eq 'clocktime' or $key eq 'clocktimestrict'
1223 0 61 0 $year % 100 || $year % 400 == 0
1388 0 0 60 $val eq 'today' or $val eq 'now'
1429 38 22 0 defined $hour or defined $day
60 0 0 defined $hour or defined $day or defined $month
22 0 0 defined $hour or defined $day or defined $month or defined $year