Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 97 154 62.9

line true false branch
38 0 609 if ($year < 1583 or $year > 2299)
46 0 0 if $^W
60 0 21778 unless $year == $yy and check_date($yy, $mm, $dd)
68 0 743 unless $year == $yy and check_date($yy, $mm, $dd)
80 2077 21591 if ($flag ne '#')
82 28 2049 if ($flag eq ':') { }
96 847 19735 if ($_[1] =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/)
98 0 847 unless $_[1] = Decode_Month($_[1]), $lang
111 0 23732 if ($yy != $year)
115 23732 0 if (check_date($yy, $mm, $dd) and ($index = Date_to_Days($yy, $mm, $dd) - ${$self;}{'BASE'}) >= 0 and $index < ${$self;}{'DAYS'}) { }
133 24 0 if ($index == 0 or $index > 0 and $index < ${$self;}{'DAYS'} and ($yy, $mm, $dd) = Add_Delta_Days($year, 1, 1, $index) and $yy == $year) { }
169 3 188 if (@_ > 0) { }
172 0 191 unless ref $profile eq 'HASH'
185 386 0 if ($n >= 1 and $n <= 7)
193 0 191 unless $lang =~ /^\d+$/
194 183 8 unless $lang >= 1 and $lang <= Languages()
199 753 22925 if (ref $item) { }
1196 21729 elsif ($item =~ /^ ([#:]?) ([+-]\d+) $/x) { }
19729 2000 elsif ($item =~ /^ ([#:]?) (\d+) \. (\d+) \.? $/x or $item =~ /^ ([#:]?) (\d+) \.? ([a-zA-Z]+) \.? $/x or $item =~ /^ ([#:]?) (\d+) - (\d+|[a-zA-Z]+) -? $/x) { }
853 1147 elsif ($item =~ m[^ ([#:]?) (\d+) / (\d+) $]x or $item =~ m[^ ([#:]?) ([a-zA-Z]+) /? (\d+) $]x) { }
1147 0 elsif ($item =~ /^ ([#:]?) ([1-5]) ([a-zA-Z]+) (\d+) $/x or $item =~ m[^ ([#:]?) ([1-5]) / ([1-7]|[a-zA-Z]+) / (\d+|[a-zA-Z]+) $]x) { }
201 753 0 if (ref $item eq 'CODE') { }
203 743 10 if (@date = &$item($year, $name))
215 109 1087 if ($temp == 0) { }
242 1147 0 if ($dow =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/)
244 0 1147 unless $dow = Decode_Day_of_Week($dow, $lang)
246 1147 0 if ($temp =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/) { }
248 0 1147 unless $temp = Decode_Month($temp, $lang)
252 0 0 unless $temp > 0 and $temp < 13
254 69 1078 unless (@date = Nth_Weekday_of_Month_Year($year, $temp, $dow, $n))
256 69 0 if ($n == 5) { }
258 0 69 unless @date = Nth_Weekday_of_Month_Year($year, $temp, $dow, 4)
329 10 0 if (@_) { }
333 10 0 if (defined $$self{'TAGS'}{$index}) { }
335 10 0 if (defined wantarray and wantarray) { }
350 0 0 if (defined wantarray and wantarray) { }
368 0 0 if (defined wantarray and wantarray) { }
394 5 243 if (index($upper, $pattern) >= $[)
411 0 0 if (@_ == 1 and not ref $_[0]) { }
420 0 0 if (exists $$self{'TAGS'}{$index} and defined $$self{'TAGS'}{$index})
451 0 20 if ($lower_index < 0 or $lower_index >= $days)
455 0 20 if ($upper_index < 0 or $upper_index >= $days)
459 0 20 if ($lower_index > $upper_index)
463 4 16 unless $include_lower
464 6 14 unless $include_upper
465 0 20 if ($upper_index < 0 or $lower_index >= $days or $lower_index > $upper_index)
485 0 20 if ($index1 > $index2) { }
502 0 25 if ($sign == 0)
511 13 12 if ($sign > 0) { }
513 0 13 if $rest < 0
517 13 0 if ($full->bit_test($index) and ($min, $max) = $full->Interval_Scan_inc($index) and $min == $index)
521 1 12 if ($max >= $limit) { }
527 8 11 if ($half->bit_test($index)) { }
3 8 elsif ($rest >= 1) { }
529 6 2 if ($rest >= 0.5)
532 2 17 if ($loop and $index > $limit)
541 0 12 if $rest > 0
545 12 0 if ($full->bit_test($index) and ($min, $max) = $full->Interval_Scan_dec($index) and $max == $index)
549 1 11 if ($min <= 0) { }
555 8 15 if ($half->bit_test($index)) { }
8 7 elsif ($rest <= -1) { }
557 6 2 if ($rest <= -0.5)
560 2 21 if ($loop and $index < 0)
578 0 14 if ($sign == 0)
582 6 8 if $days < 0
583 0 14 if ($days < 2)
590 8 6 if ($sign > 0) { }
595 4 4 if ($days >= $diff)
603 0 4 if $guess > $limit
604 0 4 if ($index + 2 > $guess)
613 0 0 unless ($full->bit_test($guess))
615 0 0 if ($half->bit_test($guess)) { }
628 3 3 if ($days >= $diff)
636 0 3 if $guess < $limit
637 0 3 if ($guess > $index - 2)
646 0 0 unless ($full->bit_test($guess))
648 0 0 if ($half->bit_test($guess)) { }