Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 61 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
692 0 0 0 my $idle = $self->{'idle'} and $v
711 0 0 0 defined $txt and my $encoding = $self->encoding
718 0 0 0 defined $txt and my $encoding = $self->encoding

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
132 0 0 +(shift())->{'read_len'} //= 2097152
143 0 0 +(shift())->{'write_len'} //= 2097152
168 0 0 $uri->query_param('sslmode') // 'prefer'
169 0 0 $Protocol::Database::PostgreSQL::Constants::SSL_NAME_MAP{$mode} // die('unknown SSL mode ' . $mode)
256 0 0 ($uri->dbname // $uri->user) // 'postgres'
261 0 0 $uri->user // 'postgres'
315 0 0 +(shift())->{'is_replication'} //= 0
316 0 0 +(shift())->{'application_name'} //= 'perl'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
101 0 0 0 $self->{'connection'} //= $self->connect
161 0 0 0 $self->{'uri'} ||= $self->uri_for_service($self->service)
214 0 0 0 $qp{'application_name'} //= $self->application_name
252 0 0 0 +(shift())->{'service'} //= $ENV{'PGSERVICE'}
256 0 0 0 $uri->dbname // $uri->user
397 0 0 0 $self->{'ryu'} //= do { $self->add_child(my $ryu = 'Ryu::Async'->new); $ryu }
413 0 0 0 $self->{'outgoing'} //= $self->ryu->source
424 0 0 0 $self->{'incoming'} //= $self->ryu->source
435 0 0 0 $self->{'authenticated'} //= $self->loop->new_future
494 0 0 0 $self->{'protocol'} //= do { my $pg = 'Protocol::Database::PostgreSQL::Client'->new('database', $self->database_name, 'outgoing', $self->outgoing); $self->incoming->switch_str(sub { $_->type; } , 'authentication_request', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Auth request received: %s', $msg); $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->errorf('unknown auth type %s', $msg->auth_type) unless my $code = $AUTH_HANDLER{$msg->auth_type}; $self->$code($msg); } ), 'password', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, %args) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Auth request received: %s', \%args); $self->protocol->{'user'} = $self->uri->user; $self->protocol->send_message('PasswordMessage', 'password', $self->encode_text($self->uri->password)); } ), 'parameter_status', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Parameter received: %s', $msg); $self->set_parameter(map($self->decode_text($_), $msg->key, $msg->value)); } ), 'row_description', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Row description %s', $msg); $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->errorf('No active query?') unless my $q = $self->active_query; $q->row_description($msg->description); } ), 'data_row', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Have row data %s', $msg); $self->active_query->row([map($self->decode_text($_), $msg->fields)]); } ), 'command_complete', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; unless (my $query = delete $self->{'active_query'}) { $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->warnf('Command complete but no query'); return; } ; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Completed query %s with result %s', $query, $msg->result); $query->done unless $query->completed->is_ready; } ), 'no_data', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Completed query %s with no data', $self->active_query); } ), 'send_request', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Send request for %s', $msg); $self->stream->write($msg); } ), 'ready_for_query', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Ready for query, state is %s', $msg->state); $self->ready_for_query->set_string($msg->state); $self->db->engine_ready($self) if $self->db; } ), 'backend_key_data', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Backend key data: pid %d, key 0x%08x', $msg->pid, $msg->key); } ), 'parse_complete', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Parsing complete for query %s', $self->active_query); } ), 'bind_complete', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Bind complete for query %s', $self->active_query); } ), 'close_complete', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Close complete for query %s', $self->active_query); } ), 'empty_query_response', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Query returned no results for %s', $self->active_query); } ), 'error_response', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; my $query = $self->active_query; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->warnf('Query returned error %s for %s', $msg->error, $self->active_query); my $f = $query->completed; $f->fail($msg->error) unless $f->is_ready; } ), 'copy_in_response', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; my $query = $self->active_query; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Ready to copy data for %s', $query); my $proto = $self->protocol; { my $src = $query->streaming_input; $src->completed->on_ready(sub { my($f) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Sending copy done notification, stream status was %s', $f->state); $proto->send_message('CopyDone', 'data', ''); $proto->send_message('Close', 'portal', '', 'statement', ''); $proto->send_message('Sync', 'portal', '', 'statement', ''); } ); $src->each(sub { $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Sending %s', $_); $proto->send_copy_data($_); } ); } ; $query->ready_to_stream->done unless $query->ready_to_stream->is_ready; } ), 'copy_out_response', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('copy out starts %s', $msg); } ), 'copy_data', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Have copy data %s', $msg); unless (my $query = $self->active_query) { $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->warnf('No active query for copy data'); return; } ; $query->row([map($self->decode_text($_), @$_)]) foreach ($msg->rows); } ), 'copy_done', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Copy done - %s', $msg); } ), 'notification_response', $self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $msg) = @_; my($chan, $data) = @{$msg;}{'channel', 'data'}; $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->tracef('Notification on channel %s containing %s', $chan, $data); $self->db->notification($self, map($self->decode_text($_), $chan, $data)); } ), sub { $Database::Async::Engine::PostgreSQL::log->errorf('Unknown message %s (type %s)', $_, $_->type); } ); $pg }
684 0 0 0 $self->{'idle'} //= $self->loop->new_future->on_ready(sub { delete $self->{'idle'}; } )
689 0 0 0 $self->{'ready_for_query'} //= do { 'Ryu::Observable'->new(0)->subscribe($self->$curry::weak(sub { my($self, $v) = @_; return unless my $idle = $self->{'idle'} and $v; $idle->done unless $idle->is_ready; } )) }