Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 50 50 100.0

line true false branch
274 1 51 if (keys %opts)
278 2 49 if ((ref $batch_load_func || '') ne 'CODE')
283 2 47 if (defined $cache_key_func and (ref $cache_key_func || '') ne 'CODE')
286 2 45 if (not ref $cache_map or ref $cache_map ne 'HASH')
289 4 41 if (defined $max_batch_size)
290 1 3 unless $max_batch_size =~ /^\d+$/u
291 1 2 unless $max_batch_size > 0
316 1 131 unless @_ >= 2
317 1 130 unless defined $key
318 1 129 unless @_ == 2
323 27 102 if ($self->{'do_cache'} and my $promise = $self->{'promise_cache'}{$cache_key})
337 63 39 if (@{$self->{'queue'};} == 1)
338 60 3 if ($self->{'do_batch'}) { }
346 59 1 if ('Mojo::IOLoop'->singleton->reactor->isa('Mojo::Reactor::EV')) { }
366 80 22 if ($self->{'do_cache'})
437 1 7 _is_error_object($value) ? :
487 3 30 if (not @promises) { }
498 1 77 if @_ > 1
500 29 49 if --$remaining <= 0
526 1 62 if ($max_batch_size and @queue > $max_batch_size) { }
545 1 63 if ($@) { }
3 60 elsif (not $batch_promise && &blessed($batch_promise) && $batch_promise->can('then')) { }
557 1 57 if (@values != @keys)
568 5 89 if (_is_error_object($value)) { }
601 148 9 unless defined $self->{'cache_key_func'}