Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 40 82.5

line true false branch
22 26 12 if $list
28 2 70 unless defined $data
33 41 29 if (ref $data eq 'HASH') { }
35 0 41 unless defined $value
36 0 41 if defined $weight and $weight < 0
37 26 15 unless defined $key
38 1 40 unless defined $weight
43 1 28 if (ref $data eq 'REF' and ref $$data eq 'HASH')
55 1 38 unless $list
89 1 0 if ($$data{'key'} eq $$value{'key'})
95 2 1 if ($added)
110 3 0 if ($$data{'key'} eq $$value{'key'})
117 3 1 if ($replaced)
131 2 3 if (not $$data{'key'} eq $value) { }
139 3 2 if ($removed)
149 6 60 unless $list_num
153 12 48 if $weights == 0
156 48 0 if ($list_num < $$self{'btree_border'}) { }
159 48 32 if $rweight >= $$rr{'range'}
166 0 0 if ($$rrlist[$mid]{'range'} <= $rweight) { }