Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 32 39 82.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
92 85 0 18 $cons->is_a_type_of('ArrayRef') and $cons->can('type_parameter')
160 10 126 0 defined $val and $val eq ''
171 60 68 8 $fprof->{'required'} and not defined $val
182 119 5 2 $fprof->{'min_length'} and length $val < $fprof->{'min_length'}
189 117 5 2 $fprof->{'max_length'} and length $val > $fprof->{'max_length'}
222 107 13 8 $dependent and not $members
243 46 69 12 not $members and defined $fprof->{'post_check'}
115 0 12 not $members and defined $fprof->{'post_check'} and $fprof->{'post_check'}
248 81 36 10 $members and defined $fprof->{'member_post_check'}
117 0 10 $members and defined $fprof->{'member_post_check'} and $fprof->{'member_post_check'}
268 0 0 22 defined $pc and $pc
297 0 1 2 defined $req and $req
1 1 1 defined $req and $req and not defined $rv