Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 64 76 84.2

line true false branch
23 1 0 unless defined $Data::URIEncode::DUMP_BLESSED_DATA
36 36 51 $key =~ /^[.:]/ ? :
43 27 135 if $3
45 2 160 if (ref $ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
160 0 elsif (ref $ref eq 'HASH') { }
46 2 0 unless (exists $$ref[$name])
47 2 0 $sep eq ':' ? :
49 0 2 unless $name =~ /^\d+$/
51 0 2 if $name - $#$ref > $Data::URIEncode::MAX_ARRAY_EXPAND
56 125 35 unless (exists $$ref{$name})
57 19 106 $sep eq ':' ? :
65 33 129 if ($sep eq ':') { }
66 2 31 if ref $ref eq 'HASH'
69 1 128 if ref $ref eq 'ARRAY'
75 54 30 if (ref $ref eq 'HASH') { }
29 1 elsif (ref $ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
78 3 26 unless $name =~ /^\d+$/
80 1 25 if $name - $#$ref > $Data::URIEncode::MAX_ARRAY_EXPAND
97 30 23 unless defined $prefix
99 7 46 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($in, 'ARRAY')) { }
43 3 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($in, 'HASH')) { }
100 1 6 if ref $in ne 'ARRAY' and not $Data::URIEncode::DUMP_BLESSED_DATA
102 1 12 if (ref $$in[$i]) { }
12 0 elsif (defined $$in[$i] or $i == $#$in) { }
111 1 42 if ref $in ne 'HASH' and not $Data::URIEncode::DUMP_BLESSED_DATA
114 22 21 if (ref $val) { }
123 1 2 unless defined $in
132 0 56 unless defined $val
133 4 52 unless length $val
134 43 9 unless $val =~ /[.:\']/
147 0 12 unless defined $_
159 3 10 if (not ref $str) { }
3 7 elsif (ref $str eq 'SCALAR') { }
3 4 elsif (ref $str eq 'HASH') { }
3 1 elsif (UNIVERSAL::can($str, 'param')) { }
160 0 3 unless defined $str and length $str
165 0 3 unless defined $$str and length $$str
182 18 0 $#val <= 0 ? :