Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 73 80 91.2

line true false branch
105 0 3550 if (not defined $ret) { }
206 245 8 if ($self->password_length >= $self->minlength and $self->password_length <= $self->maxlength) { }
213 7 1 if ($cur < $min) { }
283 0 220 unless $self->username
286 2 218 if ($match) { }
309 7 6077 if (_leet_string_match($password, $common))
313 6 228 if (@found) { }
324 0 6304 unless $string and $match
333 32226 468 if (exists $leetperms{$c}) { }
343 9 6295 if ($lcstring =~ /$re/i) { }
373 305 8774 if ($previous eq $c)
382 8 226 if ($totalchar <= $self->mindiffchars)
389 7 214 if ($v > 2)
394 6 220 if (%reportconsec)
401 3 3 if ($passwdlen < $self->minlength)
416 652 4074 if $v > $max
418 3 220 if ($max > $maxrepeat)
436 212 12 if ($pass =~ /[a-z]/ and $pass =~ /[A-Z]/) { }
454 224 10 if ($self->password =~ /[\W_]/) { }
472 215 9 if ($self->password =~ /\d/) { }
489 231 3 if ($self->password =~ /[a-zA-Z]/) { }
523 11 12258 if (index($password, $substring) >= 0)
528 8 229 if (@found) { }
554 15 239 if (defined $password and $password ne '')
557 1 253 unless ($self->password)
570 234 19 unless ($self->is_disabled('specials'))
574 224 29 unless ($self->is_disabled('digits'))
578 234 19 unless ($self->is_disabled('letters'))
582 220 33 unless ($self->is_disabled('username'))
586 234 19 unless ($self->is_disabled('common'))
590 234 19 unless ($self->is_disabled('varchars'))
594 224 29 unless ($self->is_disabled('mixed'))
598 237 16 unless ($self->is_disabled('patterns'))
602 28 225 if ($self->error) { }
668 0 20 unless $action eq 'enable' or $action eq 'disable'
671 20 0 if (@args)
692 0 2044 unless $what
693 2024 20 unless ($action)
696 10 10 if ($action eq 'enable') { }
10 0 elsif ($action eq 'disable') { }