Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 70 138 50.7

line true false branch
126 0 1 if $debug
132 0 1 if $debug
160 0 1 unless $server
161 0 1 if $debug
187 0 7 if $debug
189 0 7 unless $$self{'server'}
192 0 7 unless $filterspec
210 2 2 if ($name) { }
231 0 7 unless $$self{'search_sth'}
256 0 9 unless $$self{'search_sth'}
257 0 9 if $debug
260 0 9 if ($entry and not $entry->isa('Data::Toolkit::Entry'))
273 0 9 if $debug
274 0 9 if ($arglist[0] and not $entry)
282 0 3 unless $value
316 0 8 if $debug
322 0 8 unless $$self{'search_sth'}
326 2 6 unless $dbRow
342 0 6 if $debug
344 0 6 if ($map)
374 0 1 if $debug
382 0 1 unless $$self{'search_sth'}
386 0 1 unless $dbRow
409 0 1 if $debug
412 0 1 if ($map)
434 0 0 if $debug
461 0 1 if $debug
463 0 1 unless $$self{'server'}
466 0 1 unless $addspec
484 3 0 if ($name) { }
505 0 1 unless $$self{'add_sth'}
540 0 1 unless $$self{'add_sth'}
541 0 1 if $source and not $source->isa('Data::Toolkit::Entry')
543 0 1 if $map and not $map->isa('Data::Toolkit::Map')
546 0 1 if $debug
549 0 1 if $map
556 0 1 if $debug
557 0 1 if ($arglist[0] and not $source)
565 0 3 unless $value
596 0 1 if $debug
598 0 1 unless $$self{'server'}
601 0 1 unless $updatespec
619 3 0 if ($name) { }
640 0 1 unless $$self{'update_sth'}
642 0 1 if $debug
680 0 1 unless $$self{'update_sth'}
681 0 1 if $source and not $source->isa('Data::Toolkit::Entry')
683 0 1 if $map and not $map->isa('Data::Toolkit::Map')
686 0 1 if $debug
689 0 1 if $map
696 0 1 if $debug
697 0 1 if ($arglist[0] and not $source)
705 0 3 unless $value
737 0 1 if $debug
739 0 1 unless $$self{'server'}
742 0 1 unless $deletespec
760 1 0 if ($name) { }
781 0 1 unless $$self{'delete_sth'}
783 0 1 if $debug
820 0 1 unless $$self{'delete_sth'}
821 0 1 if $source and not $source->isa('Data::Toolkit::Entry')
823 0 1 if $map and not $map->isa('Data::Toolkit::Map')
826 0 1 if $debug
829 0 1 if $map
836 0 1 if $debug
837 0 1 if ($arglist[0] and not $source)
845 0 1 unless $value
886 0 1 if (ref $class)
888 1 0 if @_ == 1