Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 26 100.0

line true false branch
74 2 84 unless $tagstr =~ /$tagstr_re/u
91 12 31 if defined $x xor defined $y
92 15 16 unless defined $x
122 39 60 if length $stem
125 43 56 length $pair->[1] ? :
128 43 56 if (exists $state->{$key})
132 25 18 unless __differ($value, $existing)
138 6 7 if defined $value and defined $existing and $value ne $existing
144 7 5 if $more_to_set and $more_exists
152 33 53 defined $value ? :
172 14 7 if exists $state->{$tagstr}
196 2 1 if ($tagstr =~ s/:($tagvalue_re)\z//u)
197 1 1 if $state->{$tagstr} // "" eq $1