Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 80 122 65.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
576 0 0 170 $#$titles >= 0 && defined $$titles[$c]
882 0 0 49 defined $title_formats and $title_formats ne ''
884 0 0 49 defined $data_formats and $data_formats ne ''
936 0 0 1150 $#$titles >= 0 && &PlainText($$titles[$c])
938 0 2210 45 $key ne '' and defined $$url_keys{$key}
1090 0 0 37 defined $titles and $titles ne ''
1091 0 0 37 defined $types and $types ne ''
1092 0 0 37 defined $col_widths and $col_widths ne ''
1093 0 0 37 defined $row_sub and $row_sub ne ''
1121 0 0 21 $line =~ /([-,;? \t])([^-,;? \t]*)$/ and length $2 <= $wrap_margin
1299 4620 2060 80 $showmode =~ /html/i and $value =~ m[
1479 17 0 143 $#$argvref == 0 and ref $$argvref[0] eq 'HASH'
1486 0 663 0 $var ne '' and ref $var eq ''
1505 0 127 10 $var ne '' and ref $var eq ''
1519 0 1340 98 $var ne '' and ref $var eq ''
1522 0 883 457 $var ne '' and not exists $args{$param}
1859 0 82 50 defined $max_width and $max_width ne ''
1896 54 0 98 $max_widths[$c] > $widths[$c] and $widths[$c] > 0
1988 2848 587 548 $more ne '' and $v =~ /([-,;? \t])([^-,;? \t0-9]*)$/
3435 0 548 $more ne '' and $v =~ /([-,;? \t])([^-,;? \t0-9]*)$/ and length $2 <= $List_Wrap_Margin
2009 1700 1148 1135 $wrap_flag != 0 && length $v > 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1268 0 6760 shift() || 2

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
552 33 2 2 not defined $fmt_sub or $fmt_sub eq ''
553 15 2 20 not defined $max_width or $max_width eq ''
659 33 2 2 not defined $fmt_sub or $fmt_sub eq ''
660 15 2 20 not defined $max_width or $max_width eq ''
861 44 3 2 not defined $fmt_sub or $fmt_sub eq ''
862 25 2 22 not defined $max_width or $max_width eq ''
863 41 5 3 not defined $url_keys or $url_keys eq ''
864 42 5 2 not defined $title_formats or $title_formats eq ''
865 44 0 5 not defined $data_formats or $data_formats eq ''
1095 37 0 0 not defined $fmt_sub or $fmt_sub eq ''
1096 15 2 20 not defined $max_width or $max_width eq ''
1097 33 4 0 not defined $wrap_margin or $wrap_margin eq ''
1270 5480 1280 0 $Type2Format{lc $type} || $Type2Format{'char'}
1273 0 0 6760 not defined $max_width or $max_width eq ''
1274 0 0 6760 not defined $width or $width eq ''
1853 0 1108 1952 $c > $#max_widths or $len > $max_widths[$c]
1893 0 0 544 $c > $#widths or not defined $widths[$c]
1896 20 24 152 $expandable[$c] or not $widths[$c]
1979 0 100 3883 not defined $cell_width or $cell_width == 0