Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 40 72.5

line true false branch
30 0 3 unless eval { do { $src1->isa('Data::Table') } } and eval { do { $src2->isa('Data::Table') } }
40 2 0 if (@_ > 0)
47 0 3 if $$this{'srcs'}[0]->colIndex($_) == -1
51 0 2 if $$this{'srcs'}[1]->colIndex($_) == -1
59 1 1 unless defined $canon_sub_1
61 1 1 unless defined $canon_sub_2
63 0 2 unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $field_names_1 and 'CODE' eq ref $canon_sub_1 and 'ARRAY' eq ref $field_names_2 and 'CODE' eq ref $canon_sub_2
85 0 8 unless defined $_[0]
90 0 14 unless defined $_[0]
107 0 4 unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $field_names_1 and 'ARRAY' eq ref $field_names_2 and !defined($canon_sub_1) || 'CODE' eq ref $canon_sub_1 and !defined($canon_sub_2) || 'CODE' eq ref $canon_sub_2 and !defined($compare_sub) || 'CODE' eq ref $compare_sub and !defined($constants) || 'ARRAY' eq ref $constants
119 0 5 if $$this{'srcs'}[0]->colIndex($_) == -1
123 0 4 if $$this{'srcs'}[1]->colIndex($_) == -1
130 4 0 unless (defined $compare_sub)
132 1 3 defined $canon_sub_1 ? :
133 1 3 defined $canon_sub_2 ? :
146 1 7 isNumber $value_1 ? :
2 6 if (isNumber $value_1 ? $value_1 <=> $value_2 : trim $value_1 cmp trim $value_2) { }
194 1 7 defined $sub_1 ? :
1 7 defined $sub_2 ? :
197 2 6 if defined $msg