Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 36 61.1

line true false branch
83 6 5 if $loaded{$libabs}
84 0 5 if $libabs eq file($0)->absolute
86 0 5 unless grep {$libabs eq file($_)->absolute;} values %INC
117 0 0 unless ref $gv eq 'B::GV'
121 0 0 if ($stash eq 'main' and $name =~ /^::/) { }
0 0 elsif ($stash eq 'main' and $globalnames{$name}) { }
134 0 0 if ($name =~ /^(\^..|{)/)
145 0 0 unless $globalnames{$name}
723 1233 115 unless @_
778 16 41 unless ref $v
780 2 39 if $self->_complete->{$addr}
879 11 0 $meth ? :
939 124 67 unless ref $val
943 19 48 if exists $self->_dumped->{$addr}
951 4 44 if (my $tied = $self->poly->apply($val, 'tied')) { }
4 40 elsif ($self->poly->type($sleep) eq 'RefRef' and $self->_is_cycled($$sleep)) { }
978 0 48 if $rebuilder
997 1 23 unless ref $rv