Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 49 72 68.0

line true false branch
20 8 2 if (@_ > 0)
21 0 8 @_ == 1 ? :
22 0 8 unless ref $args eq "HASH"
27 0 8 if exists $args->{'profile'}
35 9 1 $use_prototypes ? :
85 0 13 if $args_to_use->{'quiet'}
89 0 13 if ($printer->colored eq "auto")
94 2 10 if ($ref eq "ARRAY" or $ref eq "HASH" or $ref eq "REF" and ref ${$_[0];} eq "REF")
98 0 13 if ($printer->caller_message_position eq 'after') { }
115 0 44 if $args_to_use->{'quiet'}
118 0 0 if ($printer->colored eq "auto" and $printer->return_value eq "dump" and $want_value)
123 4 37 if ($ref eq "ARRAY" or $ref eq "HASH" or $ref eq "REF" and ref ${$_[0];} eq "REF")
127 1 43 if ($printer->caller_message_position eq 'after') { }
145 1 3 if (not ref $_[0] and @_ == 1)
154 0 4 if $args_to_use->{'quiet'}
158 0 0 if ($printer->colored eq "auto" and $printer->return_value eq "dump" and $want_value)
162 1 3 defined $item ? :
163 0 0 defined $item ? :
1 2 if ($ref eq "ARRAY" or $ref eq "HASH" or $ref eq "REF" and ref(defined $item ? $item : ${$_[0];}) eq "REF")
167 1 3 defined $item ? :
168 0 4 if ($printer->caller_message_position eq 'after') { }
182 9 39 if ($printer->return_value eq 'pass') { }
7 32 elsif ($printer->return_value eq 'void' or not $wantarray) { }
186 1 8 if defined $ref
188 0 8 if (not $ref) { }
2 6 elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
2 4 elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') { }
4 0 elsif (grep {$ref eq $_;} 'REF', 'SCALAR', 'VSTRING') { }
217 61 0 if (keys %$rc_arguments)
221 0 61 if (exists $rc_arguments->{$caller})
227 61 0 if ($arguments_for{$caller})
232 15 46 if (keys %$run_properties)
234 0 15 if exists $run_properties->{'profile'}
247 2 18 if (exists $args->{$key}) { }
0 18 elsif (exists $rc_arguments->{$caller} and exists $rc_arguments->{$caller}{$key}) { }
0 18 elsif (exists $rc_arguments->{'_'}{$key}) { }