Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 34 88.2

line true false branch
14 1 79 if ($ddp->show_tied and my $tie = ref tied %$hash_ref)
17 0 80 if $ddp->max_depth and $ddp->current_depth >= $ddp->max_depth
24 12 68 unless @src_keys
25 66 2 if $ddp->sort_keys
35 7 146 if ref $idx
40 2 144 if (_needs_quote($ddp, $raw_key, $new_key))
43 0 2 if (index($new_key, $quote_char) >= 0)
58 92 54 if ($align_keys)
60 56 36 if $l > $len
71 7 146 if (ref $idx)
82 1 145 $ddp->arrows eq 'all' || $ddp->arrows eq 'first' && $ddp->current_depth == 1 ? :
86 54 92 if $padding < 0
96 2 144 if ($ref and $ref eq 'SCALAR') { }
45 99 elsif ($ref and $ref ne 'REF') { }
105 82 64 if $total_keys > 0 or $ddp->end_separator
124 0 146 unless defined $quote_keys and defined $scalar_quotes
125 144 0 if ($quote_keys eq "auto" and $raw_key eq $new_key and not $new_key =~ /\s|\r|\n|\t|\f/)