Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 38 94.7

line true false branch
81 2 9 unless defined $file
82 0 9 unless -r $file
84 1 8 unless $json
86 0 8 unless $data
91 6 2 $key ? :
95 2 6 if $$class{'defaultname'}
96 1 2 ref $dict[0] ? :
3 5 if scalar @dict
113 5 18 unless $key
114 1 17 unless $$class{'json'}
116 16 1 ref $$class{'dict'} ? :
119 4 8 if exists $$class{'json'}{$_} and exists $$class{'json'}{$_}{$key}
124 5 8 if ref $$class{'default'} eq 'HASH' and exists $$class{'default'}{$key}
146 11 4 if (scalar @keys == scalar grep({ref $_ eq 'HASH';} values %{$$class{'json'};}))
179 6 1 ref $$class{'dict'} ? :
6 5 ref $dict ? :
7 11 !$dict ? :
184 2 21 unless exists $$class{'json'}{$d} and ref $$class{'json'}{$d} eq 'HASH'
189 17 1 if (ref $$class{'default'} eq 'HASH')