Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 30 70.0

line true false branch
7 9 0 $bitcount % 8 ? :
36 0 191 if (@params == 0)
39 140 51 if (@params == 1)
41 112 28 unless (defined $source and ref $source)
45 28 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Data::ParseBinary::Stream::Reader'))
56 0 52 if (defined ref $type and @params and $params[-1] eq ' Opts')
60 0 52 unless (exists $_streamTypes{$type})
70 35 131 if ($self->can('disconnect'))
107 0 163 if (@params == 0)
110 129 34 if (@params == 1)
112 117 12 unless (defined $source and ref $source)
116 12 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Data::ParseBinary::Stream::Writer'))
126 0 66 unless (exists $_streamTypes{$type})
137 62 136 if ($self->can('disconnect'))
147 0 97 if ($$sub_stream{'is_warped'})