Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 34 97.0

line true false branch
140 30 7 if (@_)
141 3 27 if (@_ == 1 and &Params::Util::_HASHLIKE($_[0])) { }
151 20 10 if (defined $must_be)
152 7 13 unless ref $must_be
157 8 23 unless $test_for{$class}
164 14 6 @checks == 1 ? :
166 0 20 unless defined $moniker
170 1 36 unless $opt_list
175 5 10 ref $opt_list->{$_} ? :
6 30 if ref $opt_list eq 'HASH'
184 30 58 if ($require_unique)
185 1 29 if $seen{$name}++
190 68 19 if ($i < $#$opt_list)
191 6 62 if (not defined $$opt_list[$i + 1]) { }
29 33 elsif (not &$name_test($$opt_list[$i + 1])) { }
195 9 20 if ($is_a and not &$is_a($value))
219 2 10 unless $opt_list