Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 15 24 62.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
114 32 7 0 $range and _cmp($$range{'from'}, $from, 0, 0) == 0
39 0 0 $range and _cmp($$range{'from'}, $from, 0, 0) == 0 and _cmp($$range{'to'}, $to, 1, 1) == 0
199 7 0 7 _cmp($$first{'from'}, $from, 0, 0) < 0 and _cmp($$first{'to'}, $from, 1, 0) >= 0
208 0 9 5 _cmp($$last{'from'}, $to, 0, 1) <= 0 and _cmp($$last{'to'}, $to, 1, 1) > 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
53 490 77 0 $a //= $sa ? 9**9**9 : -9**9**9
54 487 80 0 $b //= $sb ? 9**9**9 : -9**9**9
171 11 0 12 @$before or @$overlap
176 7 0 16 @$after or @$overlap