Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 116 132 87.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
80 4 0 0 $c->wanted_path and not $mm->_path_is_included($mm->path, $c->wanted_path)
90 0 1 5 $i < $la and $i < $lb
160 0 1144 27 $do_parse and $ep
1144 26 1 $do_parse and $ep and $mm->_in($_, $ep)
161 1 1145 25 $do_parse and $ip
1146 0 25 $do_parse and $ip and not $mm->_in($_, $ip)
162 26 1126 19 $do_parse and $epr
1152 17 2 $do_parse and $epr and /$epr/
163 28 1124 19 $do_parse and $ipr
1152 4 15 $do_parse and $ipr and not /$ipr/
169 0 538 589 $esub and not &$esub($_)
170 480 58 0 $old ne $_ and exists $l->{$_}
177 0 41 2 $esub and not &$esub($_)
183 0 21 6 $esub and not &$esub($_)
211 0 1168 33 $do_parse and $ep
1168 24 9 $do_parse and $ep and $mm->_in($_, $ep)
212 9 1163 29 $do_parse and $ip
1172 11 18 $do_parse and $ip and not $mm->_in($_, $ip)
213 27 1153 21 $do_parse and $epr
1180 16 5 $do_parse and $epr and /$epr/
214 32 1149 20 $do_parse and $ipr
1181 6 14 $do_parse and $ipr and not /$ipr/
220 0 550 605 $esub and not &$esub($_)
229 0 44 2 $esub and not &$esub($_)
235 0 20 5 $esub and not &$esub($_)
262 0 682 24 $do_merge and $em
682 18 6 $do_merge and $em and $mm->_in($k, $em)
263 6 677 23 $do_merge and $im
683 8 15 $do_merge and $im and not $mm->_in($k, $im)
264 21 647 38 $do_merge and $emr
668 24 14 $do_merge and $emr and $k =~ /$emr/
265 35 649 22 $do_merge and $imr
684 10 12 $do_merge and $imr and not $k =~ /$imr/
272 106 118 435 $hl->{$k} and $hr->{$k}
288 435 221 3 @o == 1 and $hl->{$k} && $mh->can('merge_left_only') || $hr->{$k} && $mh->can('merge_right_only')
373 295 3 2 $c->wanted_path and not $mm->_path_is_included($mm->path, $c->wanted_path)
400 219 66 6 defined $res and ref $res ne 'HASH'
429 0 53 1 $_ ne $ok and not $mm->_in($_, $c->_config_ok)
471 265 8 2 defined $ep and ref $ep ne 'ARRAY'
475 264 7 2 defined $ip and ref $ip ne 'ARRAY'
510 261 6 2 defined $em and ref $em ne 'ARRAY'
514 259 6 2 defined $im and ref $im ne 'ARRAY'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
288 1 2 221 $hl->{$k} && $mh->can('merge_left_only') || $hr->{$k} && $mh->can('merge_right_only')
368 6 298 0 $mode //= $c->default_mode