Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 48 97.9

line true false branch
125 6 5 unless (meid_is_dec($meid))
126 1 5 unless defined $meid
153 6 4 unless (meid_is_hex($meid))
154 1 5 unless defined $meid
182 4 24 if meid_is_hex($meid)
183 4 20 if meid_is_dec($meid)
199 22 75 if (defined $meid and $meid =~ /^[0-9a-f]{14}$/i) { }
206 9 13 if hex $rr_code < 160
228 39 56 if (defined $meid and $meid =~ /^\d{18}$/) { }
237 16 23 unless $reserved_plus_manu_code >= 2684354560 and $reserved_plus_manu_code <= 2952790015
243 8 15 unless $serial >= 0 and $serial <= 16777215
273 2 2 if ($wanted eq 'hex') { }
299 0 2 if ($digit_sum =~ /0$/) { }
337 1 1 if ($digit_sum =~ /0$/) { }
371 10 2 unless meid_is_valid($meid)
374 1 1 if meid_is_dec($meid)
398 1 11 if (meid_is_hex($meid)) { }
1 10 elsif (meid_is_dec($meid)) { }
428 1 11 if (meid_is_dec($meid)) { }
1 10 elsif (meid_is_hex($meid)) { }
459 1 11 if (meid_is_hex($meid)) { }
1 10 elsif (meid_is_dec($meid)) { }
490 1 11 if (meid_is_dec($meid)) { }
1 10 elsif (meid_is_hex($meid)) { }