Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 52 52 100.0

line true false branch
23 85 35 if (scalar @path and not $end)
26 54 31 if ($ref eq 'HASH') { }
6 25 elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
22 3 elsif ($ref and &blessed($data)) { }
28 2 52 unless defined $data
32 1 5 unless defined $data
36 20 1 scalar @{$params;} ? :
37 1 20 unless defined $data
40 1 2 if exists $ERROR{'invalid_path'}
49 1 45 unless defined $_[0]
64 6 51 if ($_ =~ /^\s*\[\s*(.*)\]/) { }
5 46 elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*\{\s*(.*)\s*\}/) { }
33 13 elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ or $_ =~ /^\s*[\'\"]+\s*(.*?)\s*[\'\"]+\s*$/) { }
71 4 1 defined $ERROR{'allow_meth_keys'} ? :
80 9 4 unless $method
81 4 9 $args ? :
82 6 7 $ex ? :
90 1 4 ref $find eq 'CODE' ? :
99 2 8 unless my(@export) = @_
100 6 2 ref $export[scalar @export - 1] ? :
101 2 6 if $opts->{'return_undef'}
102 3 5 if $opts->{'errors'}
103 2 6 if scalar @export == 1 and $export[0] eq "all"
108 4 5 $pkg->can($_) ? :
6 3 if ($sub = $pkg->can($_) ? $_ : $opts->{'as'} && $opts->{'as'}{$_})
120 4 37 if ($@ and not $ERROR{'no_error'})