Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 68 120 56.6

line true false branch
13 1 0 unless defined $ddc
14 0 0 unless ($ddc || '') =~ /^[jd]dc$/
45 10 0 if $dd->can('Trailingcomma')
71 0 0 if ref $self and $opts and local(@{$self;}{keys %$opts}) = values %$opts, 1 and $opts->{'indent_by'}
72 10 0 unless ref $self
91 26 127 if (ref $data eq 'HASH') { }
25 102 elsif (ref $data eq 'ARRAY') { }
1 202 elsif (&blessed($data) and my $ret = $self->_expand_blessed($data)) { }
104 89 12 if (my($string) = $thing =~ /^"(.*)"$/)
105 5 84 $string =~ /^-[a-zA-Z]\w*$/ ? :
112 1 0 unless $_ eq 'ARRAY'
0 1 unless grep {$_ eq 'HASH' unless $_ eq 'ARRAY';} &reftype($blessed)
113 0 1 &reftype($blessed) eq 'ARRAY' ? :
119 0 10 unless $tfspec
128 25 117 if ($type eq 'hash') { }
24 93 elsif ($type eq 'array') { }
146 0 0 if (ref $tf eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $tf eq 'HASH') { }
149 0 0 if @match > @$path
151 0 0 unless defined(my $m = $match[$idx])
153 0 0 if (not ref $m) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $m eq 'Regexp') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $m eq 'CODE') { }
154 0 0 unless $rpv eq $m
156 0 0 unless $rpv =~ /$m/
159 0 0 unless &$m($rpv)
165 0 0 unless $tf = $tf->{$type} || $tf->{'_'}
169 0 0 unless $self->$tf($type, $payload, $path)
192 0 681 if (not $self->{'vertical'} and $self->width <= 0)
205 0 0 if (@plain == @$payload)
207 0 0 if $self->{'oneline'} or length $try <= $self->width
219 27 270 if $el->[0] eq 'key'
225 0 119 if ($self->{'vertical'})
230 0 119 unless my(@pl) = @$payload
240 118 1 unless (grep /\n/, @oneline)
242 100 18 if $self->{'oneline'} or length $try <= $self->width
245 4 15 if (@$payload == 1)
249 1 14 if (@$payload == 2 and $payload->[0][0] eq 'key')
255 1 0 $s =~ /\A(.{0,${\$self->width;}})(?:\n|\Z)/ ? :
267 75 0 unless ($f =~ /\n/)
270 44 31 if (length $f <= $spare)
274 23 8 if (length $f <= $self->width)
285 8 0 if ($spare > 0 and $f =~ s/^(.{0,$spare})\n//ms)
288 8 0 if @bits
292 8 0 if ($f =~ s/(?:\A|\n)(.{0,${\$self->width;}})\Z//ms)
296 8 0 if length $f
298 14 0 if @bits
307 225 17 $key =~ /^-?[a-zA-Z_]\w*$/ ? :
317 0 159 unless @$keys
321 0 159 if ($self->{'vertical'})
332 139 20 if $self->{'oneline'}
333 4 16 if not $oneline =~ /\n/ and length $oneline <= $self->width
339 27 3 $s =~ /\A(.{0,$width})(?:\n|\Z)/ ? :
345 8 8 if (@f == 1)
359 4 367 $str =~ /[\\']/ ? :
360 0 371 $self->{'vertical'} ? :
361 369 2 if length $str <= $w
375 1 12 unless @lines
377 9 3 $lines[-1] =~ /^[\}\]\)]/ ? :
379 7 5 $l eq '{' ? :