Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 95 109 87.1

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
517 1653 6 defined &Data::Dumper::_vstring and $v = &_vstring($val) and 1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
83 1 1 635 defined $v and ref $v eq 'ARRAY'
85 418 1 216 defined $n and ref $n eq 'ARRAY'
136 1 1 24 defined $g and ref $g eq 'HASH'
212 39 137 2 ref $_[0] and $_[0]{'useperl'}
176 0 0 not $IS_ASCII and $] lt 5.02101
237 860 1 120 $s->{'indent'} >= 2 and not $s->{'terse'}
258 0 26 0 defined &Data::Dumper::_vstring && (&_vstring("\377") || '') eq 'v0'
279 784 1 3 $freezer and UNIVERSAL::can($val, $freezer)
292 112 44 76 $s->{'purity'} and $s->{'level'} > 0
314 512 10 2 $realtype eq 'CODE' && $name =~ /^[*](.*)$/
324 489 13 54 $realpack and $] >= 5.009005 ? &re::is_regexp($val) : $realpack eq 'Regexp'
333 182 16 358 not $s->{'purity'} and defined $s->{'maxdepth'}
198 328 30 not $s->{'purity'} and defined $s->{'maxdepth'} and $s->{'maxdepth'} > 0
344 21 9 not $s->{'purity'} and defined $s->{'maxdepth'} and $s->{'maxdepth'} > 0 and $s->{'level'} >= $s->{'maxdepth'}
342 5 538 4 $s->{'maxrecurse'} > 0 and $s->{'level'} >= $s->{'maxrecurse'}
349 476 53 14 $realpack and not $no_bless
407 123 2 4 $s->{'trailingcomma'} and $s->{'indent'} >= 1
449 206 296 6 $s->{'quotekeys'} and $nk =~ /^(?:0|-?[1-9][0-9]{0,8})\z/
296 56 150 not $s->{'quotekeys'} and $nk =~ /^[\"\']([A-Za-z_]\w*)[\"\']$/
467 188 2 4 $s->{'trailingcomma'} and $s->{'indent'}
489 469 53 13 $realpack and not $no_bless
517 0 1653 6 defined &Data::Dumper::_vstring and $v = &_vstring($val)
1653 0 0 not defined &Data::Dumper::_vstring and ref $ref eq 'VSTRING' || eval { do { &Scalar::Util::isvstring($val) } }
520 43 1 30 $name =~ /\A(?:[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z]*)?::(?:[0-9A-Z_a-z]+::)*[0-9A-Z_a-z]*\z/ and $name ne 'main::'
539 32 12 12 $k eq 'SCALAR' and not defined $$gval
766 56 0 0 not $IS_ASCII and utf8::is_utf8($_)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
787 32 1 shift() || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
212 285 2 176 $Useperl or ref $_[0] and $_[0]{'useperl'}
2 0 176 $Useperl or ref $_[0] and $_[0]{'useperl'} or not $IS_ASCII and $] lt 5.02101
241 32 938 6 @post or not $s->{'terse'}
358 42 30 417 $realtype eq 'SCALAR' or $realtype eq 'REF'
72 6 411 $realtype eq 'SCALAR' or $realtype eq 'REF' or $realtype eq 'VSTRING'
407 191 4 125 $i++ < $#$val or $s->{'trailingcomma'} and $s->{'indent'} >= 1
517 0 0 0 ref $ref eq 'VSTRING' || eval { do { &Scalar::Util::isvstring($val) } }
579 84 18 1093 $s->{'useqq'} or $val =~ tr/\000-\377//c
766 46 0 56 $bytes > length $_ or not $IS_ASCII and utf8::is_utf8($_)