Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 28 60.7

line true false branch
131 2 3 if (@_ == 1 and _STRING($_[0])) { }
2 1 elsif (@_ == 2 and _STRING($_[0]) and _STRING($_[1])) { }
132 1 1 if ($_[0] =~ /^(\w+(?:-\d+)?)\.(\S+)$/) { }
146 1 2 unless my $len = $DIGEST{$driver}
150 0 2 if (length $digest == $$len{'digest'}) { }
2 0 elsif (length $digest == $$len{'hexdigest'} and not $digest =~ /[^0-9a-f]/) { }
0 0 elsif (length $digest == $$len{'b64digest'} and not $digest =~ m[[^\w\+/]]) { }
247 3 3 if _STRING($_[0])
248 3 0 if _SCALAR0($_[0])
249 0 0 if _INSTANCE $_[0], 'IO::Handle'
267 0 3 unless -f $file
268 0 3 unless -r $file
271 0 3 unless my $handle = 'IO::File'->new($file)
288 0 6 unless 'Digest'->new($self->driver)