Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 40 60.0

line true false branch
137 5 0 if ($opts{'root'})
144 0 5 unless $opts{'unprocessed'} and $opts{'processed'}
146 5 0 if ($opts{'create'})
148 0 20 unless exists $opts{$_}
149 17 3 if -d $opts{$_}
153 5 0 if ($opts{'open_mode'}) { }
156 0 5 unless exists $m{$opts{'open_mode'}}
190 0 11 unless opendir my $dh, $self->{'unprocessed'}
191 263 0 if /(.*)/s
209 50 0 if (eval { do { &$callback($self, @{$self;}{'lock_spec', 'lock_fh', 'last_id'}); 1 } }) { }
210 0 50 if ($Data::Consumer::Dir::Fail)
223 0 60 unless $self->{'files'}
6 54 unless @{[] unless $self->{'files'};}
228 0 241 if $self->is_ignored($file)
231 50 191 if (sysopen $fh, $spec, $self->{'open_mode'} and flock $fh, 6)
246 5 16 if $self->{'lock_fh'}
278 100 0 if ($self->{$key})
279 0 100 if (ref $self->{$key})
287 0 100 unless rename $self->{'lock_spec'}, $spec
295 5 0 if $self