Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 23 42 54.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
48 0 0 0 defined $n and $n =~ /^\d+$/
108 22 0 88 $mod ne 'main' and $mod ne $caller
22 42 46 $mod ne 'main' and $mod ne $caller and not &is_loaded($mod)
149 0 0 0 defined $err and @$err
155 0 0 0 defined $warn and @$warn
158 0 0 0 defined $info and @$info
190 0 24 32 defined $err and @$err
196 0 52 4 defined $warn and @$warn
199 0 52 4 defined $info and @$info
226 95 140 0 defined $label and exists $check_opts->{$label}
0 140 0 defined $label and exists $check_opts->{$label} and exists $check_opts->{$label}{$opt}
289 56 6 6 $negate and $value

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
276 35 55 32 not $label or $self->check_performed($check_opts, $label)
289 12 56 22 $negate || $value