Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 36 88.8

line true false branch
27 2 21 unless (defined $check_opts)
40 1 22 if @$err
42 21 1 if ($is_hostname)
45 4 17 if (@host == 1) { }
57 4 17 if @$err
64 1 17 if ($nameservers) { }
74 12 6 $q ? :
80 3 15 if @$err
86 34 7 unless $obj->check_performed($check_opts, $label)
91 5 2 if (defined $desc and ref $desc eq 'HASH' and exists $desc->{$check}) { }
100 7 0 if (defined $vals)
101 3 4 if (ref $vals eq 'ARRAY') { }
4 0 elsif (not ref $vals) { }
109 0 7 unless (@vals)
117 2 7 if $rr->type ne 'A'
120 2 5 if ($check eq 'ip') { }
5 0 elsif ($check eq 'domain') { }
133 3 4 if @$err