Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 31 39 79.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
52 0 4 112198 defined $bits and $bits > 0
4 2 112196 defined $bits and $bits > 0 and $bits <= $self->maxbits
54 94569 0 17627 defined $_[0] && $_[0] eq 'readahead'
59 17543 94488 7 not $peek and $pos + $bits > $len
93 0 2 54114 defined $bits and $bits > 0
95 0 0 54114 defined $val and $val >= 0
146 1 1 6474 defined $val and $val >= 0
206 240 1286 321 $wpos + 31 < $lastwpos and substr($$rvec, $wpos * 4, 128) =~ tr/\000// == 128
207 124 1402 585 $wpos + 7 < $lastwpos and substr($$rvec, $wpos * 4, 32) =~ tr/\000// == 32
208 30 1496 2667 $wpos <= $lastwpos and vec($$rvec, $wpos, 32) == 0
238 1 1 17481 defined $val and $val >= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
382 2836 31 0 shift() || length $str
405 3 0 0 $_[2] || 8 * length($_[1])