Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 24 70.8

line true false branch
39 0 136419 if $self->writing
41 0 136419 unless defined $bits and $bits > 0 and $bits <= $self->maxbits
47 299 136120 if $pos >= $len
48 0 136120 if not $peek and $pos + $bits > $len
55 79870 56250 unless $peek
60 0 72456 unless $self->writing
62 0 72456 unless defined $bits and $bits > 0
64 0 72456 unless defined $val and $val >= 0
69 5153 67303 if ($val == 0) { }
9909 57394 elsif ($val == 1) { }
74 0 57394 if $bits > $self->maxbits
78 708580 431685 if $val >> $bit & 1