Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 22 81.8

line true false branch
58 5 3 if (scalar @_ == 4) { }
3 0 elsif (scalar @_ == 3) { }
69 8 0 if ref $e eq 'CODE'
73 1 7 if (&none(sub { $_ eq lc $method; } , @authorized_methods))
86 6 13 if defined $timeout
87 8 11 if not defined $timeout and defined vars()->{'header_timeout'}
89 2 2 if defined $conf->{'max_timeout'} and defined $request_timeout and $request_timeout and $conf->{'max_timeout'} < $request_timeout
94 9 10 if (not $request_timeout or defined setting('disable_timeout') and setting('disable_timeout')) { }
113 8 11 if ($timeout_exception and $timeout_exception =~ /$exception_message/)
122 0 11 if $@
131 7 0 if (ref $e eq 'CODE') { }