Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 48 50 96.0

line true false branch
58 1 4 if $_ eq 'config'
79 3 13 $arguments->{'code_wrapper'} ? :
86 1 32 if (request()->body and $ct ne 'application/json')
100 1 10 if ($allow_origin and $has_origin and not $allowed_origin)
121 5 26 $is_preflight ? :
130 14 49 if ($allow_origin and $is_preflight) { }
136 28 35 if $hm ne $check_for_method
140 29 6 if ($method_name =~ /^$route_match$/)
147 2 29 unless ($found_match)
148 1 1 if ($allow_origin and $is_preflight)
161 9 20 if ($allow_origin and $has_origin)
162 9 0 $allow_origin eq '*' ? :
166 4 25 if ($is_preflight)
169 0 4 if request()->header('Access-Control-Request-Headers')
180 6 19 request()->body ? :
205 8 17 $callback ? :
211 1 24 if ($error) { }
1 23 elsif (not &blessed($continue) && $continue->isa('Dancer::RPCPlugin::CallbackResult')) { }
2 21 elsif (&blessed($continue) and not $continue->success) { }
248 3 18 if (my $error = $@)
249 1 2 &blessed($error) && $error->can('as_restish_error') ? :
259 1 20 if (&blessed($response) and $response->can('as_restish_error')) { }
1 19 elsif (&blessed($response)) { }
269 13 12 if (config()->{'encoding'} and config()->{'encoding'} =~ /^utf-?8$/i)
274 24 1 ref $response ? :