Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 20 91 21.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
74 0 0 0 $old_token && $old_token->{'_n'}
83 0 0 0 $strategy eq 'paginate' and $hits->more
0 0 0 $strategy eq 'es.scroll' and exists $hits->{'scroll_id'}
113 0 0 0 $strategy eq 'paginate' and exists $token->{'start'}
0 0 0 $strategy eq 'es.scroll' and exists $token->{'scroll_id'}
435 4 0 3 $verb and my $spec = $VERBS->{$verb}
439 1 2 0 $valid->{'resumptionToken'} and exists $params->{'resumptionToken'}
561 0 0 0 $vars->{'deleted'} and $setting->{'deletedRecord'} eq 'no'
610 0 0 0 $from and $until
0 0 0 $from and $until and length $from != length $until
618 0 0 0 $from and $until
0 0 0 $from and $until and $from gt $until
624 0 0 0 $from and length $from == 10
627 0 0 0 $until and length $until == 10
647 0 0 0 $set and $set->{'cql'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
132 0 1 $setting->{'granularity'} //= 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ'
139 0 1 $setting->{'default_search_params'} //= {}
141 0 1 $setting->{'search_strategy'} //= 'paginate'
146 0 0 $setting->{'default_search_params'}{'scroll'} //= '10m'
207 0 0 $icon->{$tag} // (next)
276 1 0 $setting->{'adminEmail'} // []
283 0 2 $setting->{$i_field} // []
382 0 3 $set->{'setDescription'} // []
401 0 1 $opts{'deleted'} || sub { 0; }
402 0 1 $opts{'set_specs_for'} || sub { []; }
404 0 1 $setting->{'template_options'} || {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
109 0 0 0 $settings->{'limit'} // $DEFAULT_LIMIT
130 0 1 0 $opts{'store'} || $setting->{'store'}
0 1 0 $opts{'bag'} || $setting->{'bag'}
165 0 1 0 $setting->{'get_record_cql_pattern'} ||= $bag->id_key . ' exact "%s"'
397 0 0 1 $opts{'fix'} || $setting->{'fix'}
421 7 0 0 $setting->{'uri_base'} // request()->uri_for(request()->path_info)
528 0 0 2 $verb eq 'ListIdentifiers' or $verb eq 'ListRecords'
576 1 0 0 $setting->{'earliestDatestamp'} || do { my $hits = $bag->search(%{$$setting{'default_search_params'};}, 'cql_query', $setting->{'cql_filter'} || 'cql.allRecords', 'limit', 1, 'sru_sortkeys', $setting->{'datestamp_field'}); if (my $rec = $hits->first) { &$format_datestamp($$rec{$setting->{'datestamp_field'}}); } else { '1970-01-01T00:00:01Z'; } }