Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 40 87.5

line true false branch
35 451 19 defined $resp ? :
47 2 30 if $response
63 451 0 if (Dancer::Config::setting("server_tokens"))
102 516 23 $handler && $handler->app ? :
109 26 507 if ($path ne "Dancer::SharedData"->request->path_info or $method ne "Dancer::SharedData"->request->method)
112 2 24 if ($depth > $MAX_RECURSIVE_LOOP)
123 507 0 if (defined $response and my $status = $response->status)
124 6 501 if ($status == 302 or $status == 301)
132 482 19 if ($handler) { }
134 0 482 if defined $response and $response->exists
158 11 8 unless Dancer::setting("auto_page")
168 5 3 if ($view and -f $view)
178 2 1 if ($view and -f $view)
200 30 421 if ("Dancer::App"->current->setting("serializer") and $response->content)
221 1 532 if ($path_info =~ /\0/)
229 532 0 defined $app->setting('public') ? :
235 2 530 if not $static_file or index($static_file, path($public) || '') != 0
245 16 548 if (-f $static_file)
254 0 16 if (defined $since and $since >= $last_modified)
262 2 14 if $status