Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 50 62.0

line true false branch
70 1 6 if ref $package
95 1 6 if $params{'parse'}
109 2 2 if ($filename) { }
132 0 6 unless open my $log_fh, '<', $$self{'filename'}
146 0 6 if (ref $params{'time_zone'} and ref $params{'time_zone'} eq 'DateTime::TimeZone') { }
0 6 elsif (ref $params{'time_zone'}) { }
162 1 2831 if $line =~ /^$/
167 0 0 unless ($entry[0] or $entry[1])
175 2831 0 if ($year and $month and $day and $hour and $minute and $second) { }
191 0 2831 if ($entry[2] eq 'update-alternatives:') { }
176 2655 elsif ($entry[2] eq 'startup') { }
2073 582 elsif ($entry[2] eq 'status') { }
582 0 elsif (defined $$DPKG::Log::valid_actions{$entry[2]}) { }
0 0 elsif ($entry[2] eq 'conffile') { }
241 2 4 if ($$self{'from'} or $$self{'to'})
270 0 4 unless @{$$self{'entries'};}
272 3 1 if (not $params{'from'} || $params{'to'}) { }
317 0 3 unless (@entries)
323 1695 0 if 'DPKG::Log::Entry'->new($_)->timestamp >= $$self{'from'}
338 0 1 if ($$self{'from'}) { }
344 0 1 if ($$self{'to'}) { }
375 0 3 unless ($from)
378 0 3 unless ($to)
381 3 0 if (ref $from ne 'DateTime')
384 3 0 if (ref $to ne 'DateTime')