Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 122 0.0

line true false branch
339 0 0 unless (defined $class)
344 0 0 if (defined $$self{'MODEL'}{'classes'}{$lcc}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $$self{'MODEL'}{'associations'}{$lcc}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $$self{'MODEL'}{'indications'}{$lcc}) { }
353 0 0 unless (defined $classref)
357 0 0 if (defined $cl and $$cl{'name'} eq lc $class) { }
358 0 0 if ($$cl{'qualifiers'}{'association'} eq 'true') { }
0 0 elsif ($$cl{'qualifiers'}{'indication'} eq 'true') { }
386 0 0 if (defined $$self{'MODEL'}{'classes'}{$lcc}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $$self{'MODEL'}{'associations'}{$lcc}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $$self{'MODEL'}{'indications'}{$lcc}) { }
395 0 0 if (defined $alias) { }
397 0 0 if (defined $$self{'UFcT'}{$lc} and $$self{'UFcT'}{$lc}{'class'} ne $class) { }
406 0 0 if ($$self{'UFcT'}{$check_alias}{'class'} eq $class)
407 0 0 if lc $class eq $check_alias
408 0 0 if defined $$self{'UFcT'}{$check_alias}{'where'}
413 0 0 unless defined $alias
423 0 0 if ($uri =~ m[(?:(?:[^:/?#]+):)?(?://(?:[^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(?:\?(?:[^#]*))?(?:#(?:.*))?])
425 0 0 if ($path =~ /^[^:]*?:([^.]+?)\./)
435 0 0 unless defined $args{'assoc'}
437 0 0 unless (defined $args{'tag'})
444 0 0 if (defined $$self{'UFcT'}{$lcc} and defined $$self{'UFcT'}{$lcc}{'class'})
449 0 0 if (defined $$self{'MODEL'}{'classes'}{$lcc}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $$self{'MODEL'}{'associations'}{$lcc}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $$self{'MODEL'}{'indications'}{$lcc}) { }
466 0 0 unless ($args{'tag'} =~ /_/)
474 0 0 if (defined $class and $$class{'name'} eq lc $args{'tag'})
475 0 0 if ($$class{'qualifiers'}{'association'} eq 'true') { }
0 0 elsif ($$class{'qualifiers'}{'indication'} eq 'true') { }
493 0 0 if defined $args{'via'}
494 0 0 if (defined $args{'uri'}) { }
500 0 0 if defined $args{'tag'}
502 0 0 if $enum_args{'uri'} =~ /:[^.]+\..*$/
503 0 0 if ($uri_has_instance) { }
0 0 elsif ($uri_has_instance) { }
504 0 0 if ($args{'assoc'})
510 0 0 unless ($args{'assoc'})
521 0 0 if (defined $$self{'UFcT'}{lc $args{'tag'}} and defined $$self{'UFcT'}{lc $args{'tag'}}{'class'})
564 0 0 if ($path eq '')
575 0 0 unless (defined $rooturi)
576 0 0 if defined $$self{'uricache'}{'/'}
579 0 0 unless (defined $rooturi)
591 0 0 unless ($UFP =~ m[^/])
613 0 0 if ($element =~ /^(-=)?(.+?)([0-9*]*)$/) { }
617 0 0 if (defined $1 and $1 eq '-=')
621 0 0 if (not defined $id or $id eq '' and $#elements != -1)
626 0 0 if ($3 eq '*' and $#elements != -1)
639 0 0 unless (defined $targetclass)
644 0 0 if ($targetisassoc) { }
648 0 0 if ($currentpath =~ m[=>[^/]+$]) { }
658 0 0 if (not defined $id or $id eq '') { }
0 0 elsif ($id eq '*') { }
662 0 0 if (defined $scheme and $scheme ne '' and defined $authority and $authority ne '')
669 0 0 if ($targetisassoc) { }
683 0 0 unless (defined $$self{'uricache'}{$currentpath})
686 0 0 if ($targetisassoc) { }
697 0 0 unless (defined $$self{'uricache'}{$currentpath})
704 0 0 if ($turi eq $currenturi)
711 0 0 if $loops
736 0 0 if (defined $DMTF::CIM::MOF::{'parse_MOF'})
737 0 0 $clear ? :