Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 60 61.6

line true false branch
41 0 160 if not defined $doGet or $doGet
42 160 0 if not defined $doSet or $doSet
61 8 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'HASH') ? :
72 0 14 if exists $visited{$obj}
75 14 0 if ref $obj
83 0 0 unless ref $obj
119 10 124 if (ref $nod and UNIVERSAL::can($nod, 'members')) { }
32 92 elsif (ref $nod and UNIVERSAL::isa($nod, 'ARRAY')) { }
0 184 elsif (ref $nod and UNIVERSAL::isa($nod, 'HASH')) { }
126 42 10 if defined $newval and defined $oldval and $newval ne $oldval or defined $newval or defined $oldval
134 32 0 ref $newval eq 'ARRAY' ? :
138 0 0 ref $newval eq 'HASH' ? :
158 0 0 unless defined $obj or ref $obj
160 290 6 if $opts{'trimClassNames'} or $opts{'json'}
177 1542 704 if (not ref $cval) { }
318 386 elsif (UNIVERSAL::can($cval, 'toHash')) { }
0 386 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($cval, 'HASH')) { }
386 0 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($cval, 'ARRAY')) { }
213 7198 94312 /^get([[:upper:]].*)$/ ? :
229 0 6 if not defined $hash or UNIVERSAL::isa($hash, $class)
230 0 6 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($hash, 'HASH')
233 6 0 if defined $hash->{'class'}
234 0 6 unless $class =~ /:/
235 0 6 unless my $obj = $class->new
240 6 38 if $key eq 'class'
242 0 38 unless ($setsub = $obj->can('set' . ucfirst($key)))
258 22 18 if (not ref $pval) { }
4 14 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($pval, 'HASH') and $pval->{'class'}) { }
0 14 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($pval, 'HASH')) { }
14 0 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($pval, 'ARRAY')) { }