Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 64 56.2

line true false branch
19 0 0 if $^W
34 42 21 do { not ref $self->{'sth'} } ? :
63 32 ($sth = $self->{'sth'}) ? :
38 6 26 if ($self->{'match_data'})
43 4 28 if ($self->{'limit'})
53 94 1 if (defined $parentid or defined $id)
59 6 88 if ($sql =~ /\s+WHERE\s+(.*)/i) { }
70 6 88 if ($where)
75 87 7 if (defined $parentid)
80 7 87 if (defined $id)
89 87 8 defined $parentid ? :
7 88 defined $id ? :
92 0 95 unless ($rc)
98 0 95 if $sth->{'Active'}
100 93 2 if (not defined $level or $level >= $self->{'threshold'})
103 39 56 if $self->{'limit_left'} < 0
120 7 80 unless (defined $item)
132 84 1 if (defined $item and $self->{'method'} and $level >= $self->{'threshold'})
157 0 85 if (defined $item and $self->{'post_method'} and $level >= $self->{'threshold'})
195 0 4 if $#$columns > 2
197 0 4 if $#$columns > 3
227 7 0 if ($self->{'recursive'} or $self->{'threshold'} gt 1 and $self->{'limit'}) { }
257 0 0 if (defined $$aitem{$self->{'parent_id_column'}})
260 0 0 if (defined $$aitem{$self->{'id_column'}})
291 0 0 if ($index == $level)
314 0 0 if ($levelFound) { }
326 0 0 if (defined $aryitem)
354 0 0 if $self->{'method'} and $level >= $self->{'threshold'}
366 0 0 if (defined $aitem)
373 0 0 if ($item and $current)
384 0 0 if ($self->{'post_method'} and $level >= $self->{'threshold'})
417 0 0 if $^W