Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 40 0.0

line true false branch
79 0 0 unless $sth
81 0 0 if ($args{'id'} or $args{'Id'})
87 0 0 unless ($sequence_name)
120 0 0 if exists $self->{'_sequences'}{$table}
127 0 0 if (defined $foo->{'COLUMN_DEF'} and $foo->{'COLUMN_DEF'} =~ /^nextval\(+'"?([^"']+)"?'(::(?:text|regclass)\))+/i)
176 0 0 if ($per_page)
179 0 0 if ($sb->{'_bind_values'})
181 0 0 if $first
186 0 0 if ($first)
211 0 0 if ($value =~ /^$DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE_CHARS+$/o)
215 0 0 if ($operator =~ /LIKE/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($operator =~ /=/) { }
220 0 0 if (&howmany() >= 4) { }
248 0 0 unless $sb->_OrderClause =~ /(?
257 0 0 if ($self->DatabaseVersion =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)/ and $1 > 9 || $1 == 9 && $2 >= 1) { }
268 0 0 ($_->{'ORDER'} || '') =~ /^des/i ? :
0 0 ($_->{'ALIAS'} || '') ne 'main' ? :
288 0 0 if $self->{'_simple_date_time_functions'}
343 0 0 unless $args{'From'} and $args{'To'}
344 0 0 if lc $args{'From'} eq lc $args{'To'}