Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 45 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
117 0 0 0 $opt{'unsigned'} and not $$args{'default_unsigned'}
122 0 0 0 lc $type eq 'varchar' and $column_info->column_size == 255
0 0 0 lc($type) =~ /^(int|integer)$/ and $opt{'unsigned'} && $column_info->column_size == 10 || !$opt{'unsigned'} && $column_info->column_size == 11
0 0 0 $$column_info{'MYSQL_TYPE_NAME'} and not $$column_info{'MYSQL_TYPE_NAME'} =~ $column_info->column_size
160 0 0 0 $type =~ /^(TIMESTAMP|DATETIME)$/ and $column_def eq 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'
168 0 0 0 $$args{'dbh'}{'Driver'}{'Name'} eq 'mysql' and $$column_info{'MYSQL_IS_AUTO_INCREMENT'}
195 0 0 0 $fk->fkcolumn_name eq 'id' and $fk->pkcolumn_name eq sprintf('%s_id', $fk->fktable_name)
0 0 0 $fk->pktable_name and $fk->pkcolumn_name
230 0 0 0 @column_names == 1 and $fkcolumn_map{$column_names[0]}
235 0 0 0 $statistics_list[0]->non_unique && $statistics_list[0]->type && lc $statistics_list[0]->type ne 'btree'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
122 0 0 0 $opt{'unsigned'} && $column_info->column_size == 10 || !$opt{'unsigned'} && $column_info->column_size == 11
155 0 0 0 $column_info->nullable or $$args{'default_not_null'}
168 0 0 0 $opt{'auto_increment'} or $$args{'dbh'}{'Driver'}{'Name'} eq 'mysql' and $$column_info{'MYSQL_IS_AUTO_INCREMENT'}
242 0 0 0 $ret_primary_key or $ret_index_key
0 0 0 $ret_primary_key or $ret_index_key or $ret_foreign_key